【大家说英语】 第323期:打造美丽花园(在线收听

 Good morning, Linda! 早上好,琳达!

Hi, Susie. What are you doing? 嗨,苏西。你在做什么?
I'm looking at pictures of flowers. 我在看花的照片。
Why? Do you need them for a news report? 为什么?你需要这些花来制作一篇新闻报道吗?
No. I'm helping my mom. I'm choosing flowers for her garden. 不。我在帮我的妈妈。我在给她的花园里挑选花朵。
Oh! That's nice. Why don't you plant flowers in your own garden? 哦!不错。为什么不在你自己的花园里种些花呢?
I don't have a garden! 我没有花园啊!
Hi, Rob. What is that? 嗨,罗布。那是什么?
Hi, Taylor. This is a list. 嗨,泰勒。这是一张清单。
What kind of list? 什么类型的清单?
It's a list for my garden. I need things for planting flowers. 这是为我的花园列的清单。我需要一些东西来种花。
Are you planting a flower garden? 你是要种一座花园吗?
Yes. But I live in an apartment. So I can't plant flowers in a garden. 是的。但是我住在一栋公寓里面。因此我不能把花种在花园里。
So where are you planting them? 那么你要在哪里种呢?
In flower pots! 在花盆里!
Are you busy after work today, Rob? 下班之后你有事情要忙吗,罗布?
Yes, Alex. I'm busy today. I'm going to the nursery. 是的,阿莱克斯。我今天很忙。我要去nursery。
The nursery? Why? Are you going to see babies? nursery?为什么?你要去看宝宝吗?
No! I want to buy some flowers and seeds. Then I can plant them in my flower pots. 不!我要买些花和种子。然后我要在我的花盆里种上它们。
Oh! You mean a plant nursery! 哦!你说的是一个苗圃啊!
Yes. Do you want to come with me? 是的。你想和我一起去吗?
Sure! 当然!