【大家说英语】 第324期:打造美丽花园(2)(在线收听

 Hi, Susie. Susie? 嗨,苏西。苏西?

Oh, sorry. Good morning, Taylor. 哦,抱歉。早上好,泰勒。
What are you doing? 你在做什么呢?
I'm reading about plants and gardens. I'm learning interesting things. 我在都有关植物和花园的书。我在学有趣的东西呢。
Oh, really? What? 哦,真的吗?是什么呢?
One kind of bamboo can grow 35 inches in a day! It is the fastest growing plant in the world. 有一种竹子一天之内可以长35英尺!这是世界上增长速度最快的植物。
I didn't know that. Wow! That is fast! 我之前都不知道。哇!太快了!
Hey, Rob. Are you still planning your garden? 嗨,罗布。你还在规划你的花园吗?
Yes, Ben. I need to get some soil. 是的,本。我需要一些土壤。
For your flower pots? 要放在你的花盆里吗?
Yes. I don't have enough. 是的。我的土壤还不够。
Oh! Don't buy garden soil. There is special soil for pots. 哦!不要买花园的土壤。有一种特殊的放在花盆里的土壤。
Really? 真的?
Yes. Soil for flower pots is lighter. It also has special vitamins for the plants. 是的。花盆中用的土壤更轻,而且还含有植物所需的特殊维生素。
That's good to know. Thanks, Ben! 这真是有用的信息。谢谢,本!
Wow. You're eating a lot of vegetables for lunch today, Ben. 哇。你今天午饭吃了很多蔬菜啊,本。
Hi, Taylor. My friend gave me fresh vegetables from her garden. 嗨,泰勒。我的朋友给了我一些她花园里的新鲜蔬菜。
Your friend grew the vegetables herself? 你的朋友自己种这些蔬菜吗?
Yes. She has a big yard and garden. She grows all kinds of vegetables. 是的。她有一个大院子和花园。她种各式各样的蔬菜。
That's a lot of work. 那一定很辛苦。
I know. But fresh vegetables are good for you. 是啊。但是新鲜蔬菜对身体有益。
And free ones are even better! 免费的更好啊!