
 Hey, Alex. Can I ask you a question? 嗨,阿莱克斯。我能问你一个问题吗?

Sure. What is it? 当然。什么问题?
Do you have a motorcycle? 你有摩托车吗?
Yes, I do. But I don't drive it very often. 是的,我有。但是我不经常骑。
Why not? Is it hard to drive? 为什么?是因为很难骑吗?
No, it isn't. 不,不是的。
Well, I want to get a motorcycle license. Can you teach me how to drive? 嗯,我想考一个摩托车驾照。你能教我怎么骑么?
Sure. I can teach you. 当然。我可以教你。
Hi, Linda. Why are you looking at motorcycles on your iPad? 嗨,琳达。为什么你在iPad上看摩托车呢?
Hey, Taylor. I want to get one. 嗨,泰勒。我想买一辆。
Really? Why? 真的吗?为什么?
Motorcycles are a lot of fun. They can go really fast. 摩托车很有意思。可以骑非常快。
They are also very dangerous! 不过摩托车也很危险!
You worry too much. I don't even know how to drive a motorcycle, yet. 你太过忧虑了。我甚至都不知道要如何骑一辆摩托车。
That's why I'm worried. 这就是我为什么担心的。
Don't worry, Taylor. Alex is going to teach me. And he's a good driver. 别担心,泰勒。阿莱克斯要教我了。他是一个好的骑手。
But there are some bad drivers out there. What if somebody hits you? 但是有一些很差的骑手。要是撞到你了怎么办?
I'll practice in safe places because I'm learning. I won't drive on the road yet. 我会在安全的地方练习,因为我正在学习。我现在不会在路上驾驶的。
That's good. But still... 那还好。但是...
Taylor, you worry too much! 泰勒,你太过担心了!
OK. But please be safe. 好吧。但是一定注意安全。