听歌学英语:梦想 Dreams(在线收听

In my dreams god is talking to me 梦里,上帝在对我说话
In my dreams I am down on my knees 梦里,我屈膝跪下(down on my knees:跪下)
In my dreams I am begging you please 梦里,我在祈求
Let my soul rest in peace 让我的灵魂安息 (to rest in peace:安息)

Sometimes I ask the lord why 有时候,我会问上帝为什么 (lord=上帝=god)
Mama back again in my dreams. You are alive梦里妈妈回来了,还活着
I don't know reality of fiction 我不理解虚幻的真实。(reality:现实;fiction:虚幻)
I guess you and the lord guiding on my mission我想是你和上帝在指引我继续完成使命。(guide:v指导;mission:使命)
Who am I ?an actor or musician我是谁?演员还是音乐人?
Dreaming all these years, finally the right decision做了这么多年的梦,终于做出了正确的抉择,
I can't breathe. My mind is wide open无法呼吸,心门敞开

Nightmares in the night bedsheet like an ocean夜里,噩梦,如大海,无边无际(bedsheet n. 床单)
Sleeping deep I can hear god speak沉睡中我聆听到上帝的声音
Your life in your hands. Check the bible. Read and preach 生活自己主宰,何不传道圣经 (preach: v传道
My eyes open. Begin to realize 睁开眼睛,才意识到,
I am still in my dreams. Who's the man in disguise自己仍在梦中。披着伪装的那个人是谁 (in disguise伪装;乔装)

I start trippin' .Think a sec about the kitchen双脚不稳,只一秒我想到了厨房(里的刀) (trip: v绊倒;跳闸)
Have to face the fact about my future reputation必须要面对自己将来的名声
In addition, minimize my ambition还要小化抱负和干劲 (minimize v 最小化)

Lord wake me up change my situation上帝唤醒我,请改变我的处境。

In my dreams god is talking to me 在梦里,上帝在对我说话
In my dreams i am down on my knees 在梦里,我屈膝跪下
In my dreams i am begging you please 在梦里,我在祈求
Let my soul rest in peace 让我的灵魂安息

Life is too short too short to live in anger人生苦短,无谓生气
Can't stand these negative vibes不容那些负面的感情来亵渎;(vibe: [va?b] n. 气氛,氛围,感应 It gave me a nostalgic vibe. 这给我一种怀旧的感觉。)
Life is too short too short to live with danger人生苦短,不应该有如此多的危险
Please help me god to survive主啊,请给我庇护,助我生存。

Can′t just stand these negative vibes怎么不能容忍那些负面的感情
Won′t you help me god to survive请庇护我,让我生存下去
Can′t just stand these negative vibes我已容忍不了那些负面的感情

I just can't explain我还是不能解释
They bug me out. Make me trip in so many ways梦想困扰着我,不管怎样做都筋斗不断
I want the truth, nothing but the truth我只想了解事实。
I am goin' back to my roots 我会重回本性。

Woop woop that's the sound of the police突然响起警铃
Young gifted black I am down on my knees有着天赋的年轻黑人,我屈膝下跪
Irritated, lost, nowhere to go惶恐之下走投无路(Irritated['?r?tet?d] adj. 恼怒的,生气的)
Help me please. Rescue me. I am losing control我逐渐丧失理智,请救救我
The show must go on I wanna have my piece of cake演出必须继续,我应该得到应有的那杯羹
Seperate good from the bad and fake让美好从邪恶和虚伪中分离出来
Snakes always wanna ride your jack and place总有小人在觊觎你的一切,
Their behinds in your face. Dispossess your space他们挡住你的面容/他们用屁股对着你的脸,取代你的位置。(behinds n. 屁股Dispossess['d?sp?'z?s] vt. 剥夺;使失去;逐出;霸占)
In my dreams i see a picture of your face只有在梦中我才看到你的容貌。
Life is too short to take a break人生苦短,不能放松片刻。
I wish good luck for you and yours祝愿你的一生好运吧
Dreams see me walking through that door看着我穿过那道梦想之门吧

In my dreams god is talking to me 在我的梦里上帝在对我说话
In my dreams i am down on my knees 在我的梦里我屈膝下跪
In my dreams i am begging you please 在我的梦里我恳请你
Let my soul rest in peace 让我的灵魂安息

Could you ease my pain and show me good things in my life能否去我痛苦,示我美好
Could it be that I′m just too blind,难道是因为我太过盲目
Life is too short,人生短暂
To short to live in anger, 无谓在愤怒中浪费
Please help me god to survive请给我庇护
Still talking in my dreams, 在梦中同我话语,
Without you life is not what it seems没有你生活也失去意义
This is so hard to take 难以让人承受!
