英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第302期:第十八章 猎杀(1)(在线收听

 18. THE HUNT 第十八章 猎杀

They emerged one by one from the forest edge, ranging a dozen meters apart.  他们一个接一个地出现在密林边缘,分散着走在十几米的范围之内。
The first male into the clearing fell back immediately, allowing the other male to take the front,  第一个出现的男子立刻退了回去,让另一个男子走在前头,
orienting himself around the tall, dark-haired man in a manner that clearly displayed who led the pack.  自己则紧跟着那个高大的黑发的男子。从某种程度上说,这一举动彰显着后者才是这一群人的头领。
The third was a woman; from this distance, all I could see of her was that her hair was a startling shade of red. 第三个是一个女性,隔着这么远的距离,我只能看见她那一头惊人的带着红影的长发。
They closed ranks before they continued cautiously toward Edward'sfamily,  他们紧紧地聚拢在一起,然后才警惕地继续朝着爱德华的家人走去,
exhibiting the natural respect of a troop of predators as it encounters a larger, unfamiliar group of its own kind. 表现出一群结伴而行的掠食者在遭遇一群更庞大的陌生同类时的本能反应。
As they approached, I could see how different they were from the Cullens.  当他们走近的时候,我看出了他们和卡伦一家的不同之处。
Their walk was catlike, a gait that seemed constantly on the edge of shifting into a crouch.  他们走路像猫一样,是一种似乎随时都准备着变化身形蜷下身来的步法。
They dressed in the ordinary gear of backpackers: jeans and casual button-down shirts in heavy, weatherproof fabrics.  他们的穿着是寻常的徒步旅行者的打扮:都穿着牛仔裤和没系扣子的厚重的防水面料的恤衫。
The clothes were frayed, though, with wear, and they were barefoot.  但是,他们的衣物都很破旧,而且他们都打着赤脚。
Both men had cropped hair, but the woman's brilliant orange hair was filled with leaves and debris from the woods. 男人们都理着平头,但那个女人鲜亮的橙色头发里粘满了树叶和碎树枝。
Their sharp eyes carefully took in the more polished, urbane stance of Carlisle,  他们锐利的眼睛仔细地打量着姿势更为优美文雅的卡莱尔,艾
who, flanked by Emmett and Jasper, stepped guardedly forward to meet them.  美特和贾斯帕小心提防着走到卡莱尔的两侧,与他们会合。
Without any seeming communication between them, they each straightened into a more casual, erect bearing. 在没有任何交流的情况下,他们都站直了身子,换成一种更为警惕的,直立的防御姿态。