英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第305期:第十八章 猎杀(4)(在线收听

 That sounds very interesting, and welcome. His smile was genial.  “这听上去很有趣,我们很受欢迎。”他和蔼地笑着。

We've been on the hunt all the way down from Ontario, and we haven't had the chance to clean up in a while.  “我们从安大略湖过来,一路上都在狩猎,还没有机会停下来梳洗一番。”
His eyes moved appreciatively over Carlisle's refined appearance. 他的目光欣赏地打量着卡莱尔优雅的装束。
Please don't take offense, but we'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from hunting in this immediate area.  “请不要客气,但如果你们能尽量克制避免就近在这个地区狩猎,我们会非常感激的。
We have to stay inconspicuous, you understand, Carlisle explained. 我们要待在这里,得不引人注目,你能明白的。”卡莱尔解释道。
Of course. Laurent nodded. We certainly won't encroach on your territory. We just ate outside of Seattle, anyway,  “当然。”劳伦点点头。“我们确实不想侵占你们的领地。无论如何,我们会在西雅图之外进食。”
he laughed. A shiver ran up my spine. 他大笑起来。一阵战栗滑过我的脊背。
We'll show you the way if you'd like to run with us — Emmett and Alice,  “我们会给你们指路,如果你们愿意和我们一起奔跑的话——艾美特和爱丽丝,
you can go with Edward and Bella to get the Jeep, he casually added. 你们跟爱德华和贝拉一起坐越野车走。”他若无其事地补充道。
Three things seemed to happen simultaneously while Carlisle was speaking. 在卡莱尔说话的当儿,有三件事碰巧同时发生了。
My hair ruffled with the light breeze, Edward stiffened, and the second male, James, 我的头发被微风吹乱了,爱德华僵住了,而第二个男人,詹姆斯,
suddenly whipped his head around, scrutinizing me, his nostrils flaring. 忽然转过头来,审视着我,他的鼻孔张大了。 
A swift rigidity fell on all of them as James lurched one step forward into a crouch. 当詹姆斯蜷下腰向我踏出第一步的时候,所有人都迅速地僵直起来。
Edward bared his teeth, crouching in defense, a feral snarl ripping from his throat. 爱德华露出牙齿,防备地蜷下腰,一阵狂野的咆哮冲出了他的喉头。
It was nothing like the playful sounds I'd heard from him this morning;  这完全不像今天早上我听到的他那种玩闹的咆哮。
it was the single most menacing thing I had ever heard, and chills ran from the crown of my head to the back of my heels. 这绝对是我所听过的最具威胁性的声音。一阵寒意从我的头顶一直传到我的脚后跟。