英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第353期:第二十三章 天使(6)(在线收听

   Bella? Carlisle called to me. “贝拉?”卡莱尔向我喊道。

  I tried to answer. Mmmmm? 我试图回答。“嗯?”
  Is the fire gone? “火焰消失了吗?”
  Yes, I sighed. Thank you, Edward. “是的。”我叹息着。“谢谢你,爱德华。”
  I love you, he answered. “我爱你。”他答道。
  I know, I breathed, so tired. “我知道。”我低声说着,感到那么的疲惫。
  I heard my favorite sound in the world: Edward's quiet laugh, weak with relief. 我听到了在这世界上我最爱的声音:爱德华安静的笑声,他的声音因为宽慰而有些无力。
  Bella? Carlisle asked again. “贝拉?”卡莱尔又问道。
  I frowned; I wanted to sleep. What? 我皱起了眉头。我只想睡觉。“什么?”
  Where is your mother? “你母亲在哪里?”
  In Florida, I sighed. He tricked me, Edward. He watched our videos. The outrage in my voice was pitifully frail. “在佛罗里达。”我叹了口气。“他骗了我,爱德华。他看了我们的录像。”我声音里的愤怒微弱得可悲。
  But that reminded me. 但这提醒了我。
  Alice. I tried to open my eyes. Alice, the video  he knew you, Alice, he knew where you came from. I meant to speak urgently, but my voice was feeble.  “爱丽丝。”我试图睁开眼睛。“爱丽丝,那段视频他认识你,爱丽丝,他知道你从哪里来。”我刻意说得紧迫些,但我的声音太虚弱了。
  I smell gasoline, I added, surprised through the haze in my brain. “我闻到了汽油的味道。”我补充道,惊讶穿透了我脑海里的薄雾。
  It's time to move her, Carlisle said. “是时候挪动她了。”卡莱尔说道。
  No, I want to sleep, I complained. “不,我只想睡觉。”我抱怨道。
  You can sleep, sweetheart, I'll carry you, Edward soothed me. “你尽管睡,甜心,我会抱着你的。”爱德华安抚着我。
  And I was in his arms, cradled against his chest  floating, all the pain gone. 然后,我落入了他的环抱,就好像躺在摇篮里一样,紧贴着他的胸膛我在漂浮着,所有的疼痛都消失了。
  Sleep now, Bella were the last words I heard. “睡吧,贝拉。”这是我所听到的最后一句话。