英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第358期:第二十四章 僵局(5)(在线收听

   Oh, he said, and his forehead smoothed back into marble. I came to Phoenix to talk some sense into you, to convince you to come back to Forks.  “哦,”他说道,他的前额又变得像大理石般光滑平整了。“我来凤凰城是为了把我的感受告诉你,好说服你回到福克斯。”

  His wide eyes were so earnest and sincere, I almost believed him myself.  他睁大的眼睛显得那么诚恳和真挚,连我自己都差点要相信他了。
  You agreed to see me, and you drove out to the hotel where I was staying with Carlisle and Alice of course I was here with parental supervision, he inserted virtuously,  “你同意和我见面,于是开车来我和卡莱尔还有爱丽丝住的宾馆——当然,我是在家长的监管下来这里的。”他一本正经地加上这句话。
  but you tripped on the stairs on the way to my room and… well, you know the rest. You don't need to remember any details, though;  “但在来我房间的路上,你失足从楼梯上摔了下来……当然,剩下的部分你都知道了。不过,你不需要记住所有的细节。
  you have a good excuse to be a little muddled about the finer points. 你已经有了一个很好的借口,那些更详尽的细节你可以装作有点糊涂蒙混过去。”
  I thought about it for a moment. There are a few flaws with that story. Like no broken windows. 我思考了片刻。“这个故事还有很多漏洞。比方说,根本没有窗子被撞碎。”
  Not really, he said. Alice had a little bit too much fun fabricating evidence.  “当然有。”他说道。“爱丽丝对伪造证据兴趣浓得有些过头。所有证据都被处理得相当有说服力
  It's all been taken care of very convincingly you could probably sue the hotel if you wanted to.  如果你愿意的话,你甚至可以起诉那家宾馆。
  You have nothing to worry about, he promised, stroking my cheek with the lightest of touches. Your only job now is to heal. 你不需要担心这个。”他保证着,用最轻柔的力度抚摩着我的脸颊。“你现在唯一的任务就是养好身体。”
  I wasn't so lost to the soreness or the fog of medication that I didn't respond to his touch.  我对他的抚摩毫无反应,但这既不是因为我依然沉浸在痛苦之中,也不是因为药物带来的麻木。
  The beeping of the monitor jumped around erratically now he wasn't the only one who could hear my heart misbehave. 监视器的蜂鸣声忽然毫无规律地上下跃动起来——现在他不再是唯一一个能听到我的心丢脸地砰然乱跳的人了。
  That's going to be embarrassing, I muttered to myself. “这会很令人尴尬的。”我低声自言自语道。
  He chuckled, and a speculative look came into his eye. Hmm, I wonder… 他轻笑起来,然后一丝好奇的神情在他的眼里一闪而过。“嗯,我想知道……”