【大家说英语】 第328期:琳达受伤进了医院(2)(在线收听

   Linda! How are you? We were all so worried about you. 琳达!你怎么样了?我们都很担心你。

  I'm OK. But my face still hurts. 我很好。但是我的脸受伤了。
  What happened? 发生什么事了?
  I was careless. I drove the motorcycle too fast. Then I hit the sidewalk. 我太粗心了。我骑摩托车骑得太快了。然后我就撞到了人行横道。
  And you had to go to the emergency room. Did an ambulance take you? 然后你就不得不去急诊室了。是救护车送你的吗?
  No, Alex did. I felt sorry for him. He was so worried. 不,是阿莱克斯。我对他感觉很抱歉。他非常担心。
  Are you going to be OK, Linda? 琳达,你还好吧?
  Yes. Did I damage your motorcycle? 还好。我有没有撞坏你的摩托车?
  No, it's fine. I'm just worried about you. 不,摩托车没事。我只是担心你。
  I'm fine. The doctor took good care of me. And the nurses were really nice. 我没事。医生对我关怀备至。并且护士也真的很好。
  So do you still want to learn to ride a motorcycle? 那你还想要学习骑摩托车吗?
  Yes, I do! I want to ride again soon. But I won't go so fast. 是的,我想!我想赶快就能再骑。但是我不会再骑那么快了。
  Linda is going to be OK. I'm so glad! 琳达不会有事的。我真高兴!
  Me, too. But she should be more careful! 我也是。但是她应该更小心一些!
  Yes, she should. She doesn't want to go to the hospital again. 没错,她应该更小心。她不想再去医院了。
  No one really likes to go to the hospital. 没有人真的喜欢去医院。
  I don't. I don't like to be sick or hurt. 我就不喜欢去。我不喜欢生病或者受伤。
  I was only in the hospital one time. 我只住过一次院。
  When was that? 那是什么时候?
  When I was born! 我出生的时候!