【大家说英语】 第329期:有什么好的建议?(1)(在线收听

   How are you today, Ben? 本,你今天过得怎么样?

  Pretty good. But I need some advice. 非常好。但是我需要一些建议。
  About what? 关于什么的?
  My friends are visiting. Where can I take them for dinner? 我的朋友要来了。我要带他们去哪里吃晚饭呢?
  I have a suggestion. Try Ming's Chinese Palace. Their food is really good. 我有一个建议。试试明记皇厨吧。他们的食物真的很好。
  OK, great! Do I need a reservation? 好的,太棒了!我需要预定吗?
  I think so. Call them right now. 我认为需要。现在就给他们打电话吧。
  Hi, Alex. I need a suggestion for a gift. 嗨,阿莱克斯。我需要一个送礼的建议。
  Is the gift for a guy or a girl? 是给一个男生还是一个女生的礼物?
  It's for a guy. 是给男生的。
  Does he eat out a lot? Give him a gift card for a restaurant. 他经常去外边吃饭吗?可以给他一个一家饭店的代金卡。
  That's a good idea. 这是个好主意。
  Or give him a gift card for a coffee shop. 或者给他一个一家咖啡店的代金卡。
  That's also a good idea. Thanks, Alex. 这主意也不错。多谢,阿莱克斯。
  Hi, Rob. What are you doing? 嗨,罗布。你在干什么呢?
  I'm looking for a new game for my phone. I'm tired of my old games. 我在找款新游戏在我的手机上玩儿。我厌倦了之前的游戏。
  Try Drop 7. It's really fun. And it's easy. 试试Drop 7吧。真的很有意思。并且也很简单。
  What kind of game is it? 这是一款什么类型的游戏?
  It is a number puzzle. But be careful. 是一个数独游戏。但是要小心。
  Why? 为什么要小心?
  You can't stop playing it! 你会玩儿得停不下来!