【大家说英语】 第332期:洗手间大小事(2)(在线收听

   Hi, Susie. Sorry I'm late. 嗨,苏西。很抱歉我迟到了。

  That's OK. Did something happen? 没关系。出了什么事儿吗?
  Yes. I took a shower this morning. But I wasn't careful with the shower curtain. 是的。我今早冲了个澡。但是没有注意把浴帘拉好。
  And you got water all over the floor? 那你把水淋得满地都是吗?
  Yes. What a mess! I spent an hour cleaning it up. 是的,一片混乱啊!我花了一个小时来清理。
  I'm sorry. But look at the bright side.  真遗憾。但是要往好的一面看。
  What's that? 好的一面是什么?
  Now you have a nice, clean floor! 那就是你有一个干净的地板啊!
  Did you get a new hot water heater, Ben? 本,你买新的热水器了吗?
  Yes, I did. I feel much better this morning. I enjoyed a nice, hot shower. 是的,我买了。今天早上我感觉好多了。我冲了个舒服的热水澡。
  I don't take showers in the morning. I enjoy a nice, hot shower at night. 我今早没有冲澡。我是在晚上冲一个舒服的热水澡。
  Why? A shower wakes me up in the morning. 为什么?冲个澡会让我早上清醒些。
  A shower relaxes me, so I can go to sleep. 冲澡会让我放松,所以我就能入睡了。
  Maybe I'll try that sometime. 也许我也该找个时间试试。
  Look at this bathroom, Linda. It's really big and fancy! 琳达,看看这间浴室。真的好大好豪华啊!
  Wow, it is. It has carpet on the floor. And it has a nice shower! 哇,是啊。地板上有个地毯。还有一个很棒的淋浴间。
  It has a big bathtub, too! I don't have a bathtub in my bathroom. 而且还有一个大浴缸!我的浴室里就没有浴缸。
  I like taking a bath. I like to lie in the hot water and relax. 我喜欢沐浴。我喜欢躺在热水里放松一下。
  That sounds wonderful. You can't do that in a shower! 听起来很舒服。不过冲澡时你就不能这样了!