【大家说英语】 第333期:珍惜水资源(在线收听

   Water is important. We all need water. 水很重要。我们都需要水。

  Most people drink about two liters every day. 大多数人每天要喝约两升的水。
  Water helps us stay clean, cook and grow food. 谁能够帮助我们保持洁净、做饭以及种植粮食。
  In some countries, there is a lot of clean water. 在一些国家,有许多洁净的水资源。
  In other places, clean water is hard to find. This is a big problem. 但在其他一些地方,洁净的水资源很难找到。这是一个大问题。
  Today, 2.7 billion people don't always have enough water. 如今,有27亿的人口不总是拥有充足的水资源。
  By 2025, two-thirds of the world's people might not have enough water. 到2025年,世界上三分之二的人口可能不会拥有充足的水资源。
  Some places are always very dry. There is not a lot of rain.  一些地方总是非常干旱。那里没有充足的降水。
  Sometimes people make cities in dry places. That is not a good idea. 有时候人们会干旱的地区建造城市。这可不是个好主意。
  Other places do have enough water. 而其它地方确实拥有充足的水资源。
  But these places are not always wise about using water. 但是这些地方却不一定能够明智地用水。
  People waste water. They water yards and golf courses too much. 人们会浪费水资源。他们为院子和高尔夫球场浇了太多水。
  They water at the wrong time in hot weather. 他们在大热天的错误时间浇了水。
  We can help save water, too. We can save water at home. 我们也可以帮忙节约水资源。我们可以在家中节约水资源。
  We can take shorter showers. We can turn off the water when we clean the dishes or brush our teeth. 我们可以洗时间较短的澡。我们可以在洗盘子或刷牙的时候,把水先关掉。
  We can clean our cars less often. 我们可以降低洗车的频率。
  Can you think of other ways we can save water? 你能想到其它节约水资源的方式吗?
  Let's be wise. Then we can always have enough water. 让我们聪明一点。这样我们就能一直有水资源了。