【大家说英语】 第335期:去巴黎旅行(2)(在线收听

   Rob, have you been to Paris? 罗布,你去过巴黎吗?

  Yes I have, but it was many years ago. 是的,我去过,但是那是多年以前了。
  The French people have some interesting customs, don't they? 法国人有些有趣的习俗,是这样吗?
  Yes, they do. Such as when they greet each other. 是的。比如在他们相互打招呼时。
  Wait. Don't people shake hands? 等一下。法国人不握手吗?
  They do when they first meet. 第一次见面时他们会这么做。
  What's interesting about that? 这有什么有趣的?
  Nothing. But friends greet with a kiss on each cheek. 没有什么有趣的。但是朋友之间打招呼会互吻双颊。
  Do you like French food, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你喜欢法国菜吗?
  Yes, I do. French soups and sauces are really good. 是的,我喜欢。法国的汤和酱汁真得很不错。
  I think I'm going to like French food. They eat a lot of bread. I love bread! 我想我会喜欢法国菜的。法国人吃很多面包。我喜欢面包!
  French people like croissants, too. 法国人也喜欢可颂面包。
  So do I! I hear chocolate croissants are delicious. 我也是!我听说巧克力可颂面包很好吃。
  And French people love cheese. 另外法国人也喜欢奶酪。
  Yes. I read that there are more than 400 kinds of cheese in France. 是的。我读到过说法国有超过400种的奶酪。
  So what are you going to do first in Paris, Ben? 本,你在法国要做的第一件事是什么?
  I'm going to my sister's wedding! 我要参加我姐姐的婚礼!
  I mean after that. 我是说在那之后。
  Well, I want to see the sights. I'll climb the Eiffel Tower. And I'll visit all the famous art museums. 恩,我想去看看景点。我要爬埃菲尔铁塔。我还要去看所有著名的艺术博物馆。
  That sounds wonderful. And you'll go shopping? 听起来很棒。你会去购物吗?
  Of course! Well, I'll go window shopping. I can't afford to buy too much in Paris! 当然!我就是随便看看。在巴黎我可买不起太多东西。