【大家说英语】 第336期:这么多鸟儿啊!(1)(在线收听

   Do you like birds, Ben? 本,你喜欢鸟类吗?

  Sure! I see them around my house. They like my trees. 当然!我在我家附近看到过。它们喜欢我的树。
  I like birds, too. Birds are very interesting. And there are so many different types. 我也喜欢鸟类。鸟类非常有意思。而且有许多不同的种类。
  I don't see many kinds at my house. I just see a lot of little brown birds. 我在我家看不到很多种类的鸟。我就看到了很多褐色的小鸟。
  Do you know their name? 你知道它们的名字吗?
  No. I need a bird book. 不知道。我需要一本鸟类图鉴。
  Do you feed the birds at your house, Rob? 罗布,你在家里养鸟吗?
  Yes, I do. I have a bird feeder outside my window. 是的,我养。在我的窗户外边有一个鸟类喂食器。
  I have one, too. Do you see many different kinds of wild birds? 我也有一个。你看到过很多不同种类的野鸟吗?
  I see a few. A lot of small brown birds come to my window. 我看见过一些。许多棕色的小鸟都会到我的窗边来。
  I see those, too. But I also see some yellow ones, too. They're really pretty. 这些鸟我也见过。不过我还看到过一些黄色的鸟。它们真的很漂亮。
  Do you ever go bird watching, Rob? 罗布,你去赏过鸟吗?
  No. Do you? 没有。你去过吗?
  I do sometimes. I am in a bird-watching group. We go out on Saturdays. 我有时候会去。我参加了一个赏鸟团体。我们周六会外出。
  Where do you go? Do you see many birds? 你们会去哪里?你们会看见很多鸟类吗?
  We go to Spring Lake. And we do see lots of birds. Come with me one Saturday. 我们去春之湖。我们会看到很多鸟。找一个周六和我一起吧。
  Maybe. Birds are interesting. 也许吧。鸟类很有意思。