【大家说英语】 第338期:超级足球迷(在线收听

   Run! Run! Yes. Goal! 快跑!快跑!耶!球进了!

  Ben? Are you OK? 本?你还好吗?
  Hi, Susie! I'm great. 嗨,苏西!我棒极了!
  What are you watching? Why are you so excited? 你在看什么?为什么这么激动?
  I'm watching a soccer game. My team is winning! 我在看一场足球比赛。我的主队要赢了!
  Congratulations! 恭喜!
  Thank you. 谢谢。
  You really like watching soccer. 你真的喜欢看足球啊。
  Yes, I do. But I also love playing soccer. 没错。我也喜欢踢足球。
  Ben! Ben! Are you watching the game today? 本!本!你看今天的比赛了吗?
  Yes! It's a really great game. 看了!真是一场精彩的比赛。
  Did you see Pedro's amazing goal? 你看到佩德罗那个惊人的进球了吗?
  Yes! He can really kick the ball! 看到了!他踢球踢得真好!
  He's my favorite player. 他是我最喜欢的球员。
  He's also my favorite. 他也是我最喜欢的。
  His team is playing a game in town next weekend. Let's go. 他的球队下周末要到城市里踢一场比赛。我们一起去看吧。
  Good idea! Let's plan on it. 好主意!让我们计划一下吧。
  Alex and Ben are big soccer fans. Are you a soccer fan, Rob? 阿莱克斯和本是疯狂的足球迷。罗布,你是一个足球迷吗?
  No, Linda. I'm not a soccer fan. I'm a football fan. 琳达,我不是。我不是一个足球迷。我是一个橄榄球球迷。
  Why do you like football so much? 为什么你这么喜欢橄榄球?
  Because I like the Super Bowl! 因为我喜欢超级碗!
  Why? 为什么?
  Because it's football's most important game. It's also my favorite game! 因为超级碗是橄榄球最重大的比赛,也是我最喜欢的比赛!