【大家说英语】 第339期:超级足球迷(2)(在线收听

   Hi, Rob. Do you have a soccer ball? 嗨,罗布。你有足球吗?

  Sorry, Alex. I don't have a soccer ball. 抱歉,阿莱克斯。我没有足球。
  Oh, OK. Thanks. 哦,好的,多谢。
  But I have a football! Do you want to use that? 但是我有一个橄榄球!你想用吗?
  No thanks. Ben and I want to play soccer in the park during lunch. 不,谢了。本和我想在午休期间在公园里踢足球。
  Does Ben have a soccer ball? 那本有足球吗?
  He does. But he forgot it at home. 他有。但是他把球放家里忘了带了。
  So, tell me more about soccer. How many players are on a soccer team? 再多和我说一些关于足球的事情吧。一支足球队有多少名队员?
  There are 11 players on each team. 一支足球队有11名球员。
  And one player guards his team's goal? 其中一个球员负责守球门吗?
  Right. He's the goalie. He can touch the ball with his hands. Other players can't. 没错。他就是守门员。他可以用手去碰球。其他球员就不行。
  They move the ball with their feet. 他们是用脚去动球。
  Or their heads or shoulders. Anything but their hands. 或者是用他们的头或者肩膀。除了手都可以。
  Hi, Taylor! 嗨,泰勒!
  Hi, Susie. Are you going to the soccer match with Ben and Alex? 嗨,苏西。你要和本还有阿莱克斯一起去看足球比赛吗?
  Yes! I can't wait. Those guys handle the ball so well. Are you going? 是的!我等不及了。那些球员把球控得很好。你要去吗?
  Yes. And I bought something special for the game. 是的。我为这场比赛买了一些特殊的东西。
  Really? What? 真的吗?是什么?
  A jersey! 一件球衣!
  That looks great. 看起来...很棒啊。
  What's wrong? 有什么地方不对吗?
  That's the jersey for the other team! 这是另外一支球队的球衣!