【大家说英语】 第340期:在课堂上使用手机?(在线收听

   Stuart didn't get perfect grades, but he was a good student. 斯图尔特的成绩不是最好的,但他是一个好学生。

  He was curious about many things. 他对很多事情都很好奇。
  And his favorite subject was science. 他最喜欢的科目是科学。
  He often talked to his science teacher, Mr. Anderson, after class. 在课后,他经常和他的科学老师安德森先生探讨。
  Stuart was often on his phone, too. 斯图尔特也经常使用手机。
  Sometimes he played games and other times he texted friends. 有时候他会玩儿游戏,其他时间他和朋友发信息。
  But he usually used his phone to learn. 但是他通常是用手机来学习。
  He liked to look things up on his phone. 他喜欢通过手机来查东西。
  Phones were not allowed in class. 课堂上不允许用手机。
  Everyone knew that rule. And students usually followed it. 每个人都知道这项规定。学生们通常也会遵守。
  But sometimes teachers caught students texting or playing games. 但是有时候老师会抓到在发信息或玩游戏的学生。
  Mr. Anderson usually told those students to put their phones away. 安德森先生会经常要求这些学生把手机收起来。
  But then the school made a new rule. 但是之后学校制定了一项新规定。
  It said, "If a student uses a phone, the teacher will take it away." 规定称:“如果学生使用手机,那么老师要将其没收。”
  One day, Stuart was in science class. 有一天,斯图尔特在上科学课。
  The day's class was about the planets. 那一天的课程内容是有关行星的。
  Stuart wanted to check a fact. 斯图尔特想要查证一项事实。
  Stuart knew he shouldn't use his phone. 斯图尔特知道他不应该用手机。
  But he really wanted to find an answer to his question. 但是他真的想找到他问题的答案。
  He took out his phone. 于是他拿出了手机。
  Then Mr. Anderson turned around. 之后,安德森刚好转过身来。
  He saw Stuart on his phone. 他看到了斯图尔特拿着手机。