【大家说英语】 第341期:有意思的树屋(在线收听

   See you later, Alex. Have a good evening! 再见,阿莱克斯。祝你今晚玩儿得愉快!

  Thanks, Rob. What are you doing after work? 谢谢,罗布。下班之后你要去做什么?
  I'm going home. I'm helping the kids next door. 我要回家。我要帮助隔壁的孩子们。
  Are they in trouble? 他们遇到了困难?
  No, they are building a tree house. They need my help. 不是,他们要盖树屋。他们需要我的帮助。
  They're building a tree house? 他们要盖一个树屋?
  Sure. Lots of kids build tree houses. They play in them. 是的。很多孩子在盖树屋。他们好在里面玩耍。
  Taylor, is building a tree house hard? 泰勒,盖一个树屋很难吗?
  Not really. You just need wood, a hammer and some nails. 不是很难。你只需要木头、一把锤子和一些钉子就可以了。
  Did you build one? 你盖过吗?
  No. But my brother and his friends did. Then I played in it. 没有。但是我的哥哥和他的朋友们盖过。然后我就去那里面玩儿了。
  What do you play in a tree house? 你在一个树屋里面玩儿了什么?
  Lots of games! And you can hide there. That's fun. 很多游戏!你还可以躲在里面。很有趣的。
  Do you like tree houses, Susie? 苏西,你喜欢树屋吗?
  Yes, they're fun. My sister's kids have one in their yard. 是的,很有意思。我姐姐的孩子在他们家院子中就有一个。
  How do they get into their tree house? 他们是怎么进到他们的树屋里的?
  They have a rope ladder. They climb up that. 他们有绳梯。爬那个进去的。
  Do you go into the tree house? 你进过树屋里面吗?
  Sometimes. But I don't like the ladder. It's not very strong. 有时候会去。但是我不喜欢那个梯子。它不是非常坚固。