【大家说英语】 第342期:有意思的树屋(2)(在线收听

   Welcome to the show, Tonya Travel! 欢迎来到本节目,Tonya Travel!

  Hello, Rob! 你好,罗布!
  Tonya, you are a travel agent. 坦娅,你是一个旅行代理人。
  Yes, I am. I help people with their travel plans. 是的,我是。我帮助客户规划旅游行程。
  Where do people like to stay when they travel? 当人们旅行的时候,他们愿意住在哪里?
  Most people stay in hotels. But other people stay in special places. 大多数会住在旅馆里。但是有些人会住在特殊的地方。
  Can you give us an example? 你能给我们举个例子吗?
  Sure. How about staying in a tree? 当然。住在树屋里如何?
  I'd like to stay in a tree house! 我想要住在一个树屋里!
  You have many choices! Some are simple. Others are very fancy. 你有许多种选择!有一些很简朴。其他的则非常豪华。
  Tell me about them. 跟我说说吧。
  There is a simple one in Sweden. It is only 24 square meters. It has a bed and a bathroom in it. 瑞士有一个很简朴的。它只有24平米。里面有一张床和一间浴室。
  And a nice view? 还有美丽的景色吗?
  Of course! 当然!
  Is it expensive? 很贵吗?
  Of course! 当然!
  Tell me about a fancy one! 跟我说说豪华的树屋吧!
  There is a nice one in Africa. It has a big bed and a bathtub. 非洲有一个很不错的树屋。里面有一张大床和一个浴缸。
  Wow! That sounds really great. 哇!听起来真不错!
  You can sit and watch the hippos in the river below the treehouse. 你可以坐着观赏树下河里的河马。
  So it must be expensive. 所以这一定很昂贵。
  Very. 非常贵。
  Then I need to start saving my money now! 那么我从现在就要开始存钱了!