【大家说英语】 第345期:母亲节送花(2)(在线收听

   You're welcome. Yes, they were nice flowers. OK, talk to you tomorrow, bye! 不用谢。是的,花很好。好的,明天再和你说,再见!

  Did you give your mother flowers for Mother's Day? 母亲节的花,你送给你妈妈了吗?
  Yes, I bought her a dozen yellow roses. 送了,我给她买了一把黄玫瑰。
  I also sent my mother flowers. I used a website. It was easy. 我也给我妈妈买了花。我用的是一个网站。很简单。
  And expensive. 也很贵。
  Yes, but my mother is worth it! 是的,但是我的妈妈值得我花这笔钱!
  Susie, did you know different colors of roses have different meanings? 苏西,你知道不同颜色的玫瑰花有不同的含义吗?
  They do? OK, red roses mean love. 有吗?好吧,红色的玫瑰代表爱。
  Yes, and pink roses can mean love or thank you. 是的,粉色的玫瑰则是代表爱或感谢。
  That's interesting. What about yellow roses? 还挺有意思。那黄色的玫瑰呢?
  Those mean friendship. And orange roses express excitement. 代表着友谊。橙色的玫瑰则代表兴奋。
  Orange roses? Really? Where did you learn all this? 橙色的玫瑰?真的吗?你从哪里知道的这些?
  On a flower shop's website, of course! 当然是在一个花店的网站上!
  So what kind of flowers did you buy your mother, Linda? 琳达,你给你妈妈买了什么花?
  I got light pink roses and pink and white lilies. My mother will like them. 我买了淡粉色的玫瑰,还有粉色和白色的百合花。我妈妈会喜欢的。
  That will be a pretty bouquet. Will the flower shop in New Jersey deliver the flowers? 那束花一定很美。新泽西的花店会送这些花吗?
  Yes,for a fee. They'll deliver my bouquet to her tomorrow. 是的,不过要另收一笔费用。他们明天会把我的花给她送过去。
  And she'll have a happy Mother's Day! 她会有一个很开心的母亲节!