【大家说英语】 第346期:金钱二三事(1)(在线收听

   Look! I have a postcard! 看!我有一张明信片!

  Who is it from? 是谁寄来的?
  It's from Ben. He's in Paris. 是本寄来的。他在巴黎。
  What's the picture on the card? 明信片上的照片是什么?
  It's the Eiffel Tower. 是埃菲尔铁塔。
  Neat! What does Ben say? 真不错!本说了些什么?
  He likes Paris a lot. But the city is expensive. 他非常喜欢巴黎。但是这个城市花销太大了。
  So food is expensive there? 所以那里的食物很昂贵?
  Ben says that some of it is. 本说有一些是很贵。
  Alex, do you have change for $10? 阿莱克斯,你有10美元的零钱吗?
  Let me check my wallet. Here. I have two $5. 让我看一下我的钱包。有。我有两个5美元。
  Thank you. I need some cash for coffee. 谢谢。我需要一些钱买咖啡。
  You can use a credit card. 你可以用信用卡。
  I don't use credit cards often. I like cash. 我并不经常用信用卡。我喜欢现金。
  Credit cards are convenient. 信用卡很便利。
  They are too convenient. I can spend too much! 信用卡太便利了。我会花掉太多钱的!
  Taylor, do you pay your bills online? 泰勒,你是在网上支付的账单吗?
  Yes, I do. It's very convenient. 是的。非常便利。
  Why do you like it? 为什么你喜欢这种支付方式呢?
  Because I don't lose bills. And I can pay them on time. I don't forget. 因为这样我不会遗失账单。并且我可以准时支付。我不会忘记。
  Why not? 为什么不会呢?
  My bank reminds me. They send me an email. It says, "Pay your phone bill by Friday!" “请在周五之前支付你的电话账单。”
  That is nice. 这样确实很不错。