【大家说英语】 第347期:金钱二三事(2)(在线收听

   Do you use cash much, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你经常用现金吗?

  No, I don't. I use my credit card all the time. 不,我不常用。我一直使用我的信用卡。
  I use my debit card. I almost never use cash. 我用我的借记卡。我几乎不适用现金。
  But I use cash a lot in Taiwan. 但是在台湾经常用现金。
  People do pay in cash more often there. And they carry NT$1,000 bills! 人们在台湾更常使用现金。他们会随身携带1000新台币!
  I know. I use a bigger wallet when I'm in Taiwan! 我知道。我在台湾的时候,用的钱包都更大!
  Oh! I just dropped all my change. 哦!我的零钱全掉了。
  I'll help you pick it up. Here are some quarters. 我来帮你捡吧。这里有一些二十五分的硬币。
  Thanks. The coins went everywhere! 谢谢。这些硬币掉得到处都是。
  You have a lot of coins. Why do you carry so much change, Linda? 你有好多硬币啊。为什么你要带这么多零钱,琳达?
  I don't know. I forget to use my coins when I shop. But quarters are good to have. 我不知道。我购物的时候忘记用我的硬币了。但是身上有些二十五分的硬币是件好事。
  Yes. You can buy things from vending machines with them. 是的。你可以用这些钱在自动贩卖机上买东西。
  What are you looking at, Susie? 你在看什么,苏西?
  A strange coin. I got it in my change at the convenience store. It looks like a penny. But it's not. 一个奇怪的硬币。我在便利店找的零钱中找到了这个。看起来像一美分的硬币。但并不是。
  Can I see it? 我能看看吗?
  Sure. What do you think it is? 当然。你认为它是什么?
  It's a NT$1 coin. It's worth about three cents. 是一元的新台币。价值相当于三美分。
  How do you know? 你怎么知道的?
  Alex showed me one once. 阿莱克斯曾经给我看过一枚。