【大家说英语】 第348期:坐公交还是打出租(在线收听

   Guess what, Linda! 琳达,你知道吗?

  What, Taylor? 泰勒,什么事?
  There's a street festival downtown today and tomorrow! Let's go together after work today. 今天和明天在市区有一场街头庆典。我们今天下班后一起去吧。
  Sure! I love street festivals. 好啊!我很喜欢街头庆典。
  Yeah. I love all the different food. 是啊。我喜欢各种不同的食物。
  I like all the live music. 我喜欢各种现场音乐。
  Did you drive to work today? 你今天是开车去上班的吗?
  Yes. 是的。
  Great. We can drive to the festival. 太好了。我们可以开车去街头庆典。
  Let's not drive to the festival. 我们不要开车去街头庆典。
  Why not? 为什么不开呢?
  The streets are crowded. And the parking is expensive! 因为街道拥堵了。而且停车很贵的!
  You're right about that. What can we do? 你说的很对。那我们怎么去呢?
  Let's take a bus. The price is not expensive. 我们坐公交车去吧。价格也不贵。
  Right. Bus fare is cheap. Let's meet here in the Jungle Café at 5 o'clock. 好的。公交车费很便宜。我们5点钟的时候在丛林咖啡馆见面吧。
  OK. See you then! 好的。到时候见!
  Do you have the number for Shaun's Green Cabs, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你有肖恩绿色出租车的电话号码吗?
  No, sorry. Why don't you try Uber? 抱歉,我没有。为什么你不试试优步?
  What is Uber? 优步是什么?
  Uber is a new type of taxi service. 优步是一种新型的出租车服务。
  What do you mean? 什么意思?
  Uber drivers use their own cars. They are not real taxi drivers. But they can take you places. 优步的司机是用他们自己的汽车。他们不是真正的出租车司机。但是他们可以拉你去目的地。
  OK. I can try Uber. 好的。我会试试优步的。