【大家说英语】 第349期:坐公交还是打出租(2)(在线收听

   Wow. The bus ride was really long. 哇。刚刚坐了好久的公交车。

  I know. The bus stopped at every bus stop. 是啊。那辆公交车每站都停。
  Next time, let's take a taxi. 下次我们搭乘出租车吧。
  Yeah. I agree. 好的。我同意。
  I downloaded a taxi app. 我下载了一个出租车的app。
  A taxi app? 一个出租车的app?
  Yes. My friend told me about it. It can call a taxi for you. 是的。是我朋友告诉的。这款app可以为你叫来一辆出租车。
  Really? That's convenient. 真的吗?那很便利啊。
  We can use it when we want to go home. 当我们想回家时,我们就可以用它。
  The festival was so much fun. But now I'm tired. I'm ready to go home. 这个庆典很有意思。但是我有点累了。我要回家了。
  Me, too. Let's call a taxi. I can use my app. 我也是。让我们叫辆出租车吧。我可以使用我的app。
  Great! How can the taxi find us? 太棒了!出租车怎样才能找到我们?
  I can type in the address here. The app can also use GPS and find us. 我可以在这里输入地址。这款app也可以使用GPS找到我们。
  Wow. That's amazing. 哇。真是太神奇了。
  There. All done. The taxi should be here in 5 minutes! 就这样。好了。这辆出租车应该在5分钟之内到达这里!
  Hi, Linda. How was the street festival yesterday? 嗨,琳达。昨天的街头庆典怎么样?
  It was fun! Taylor and I ate lots of great food. 很有意思!泰勒和我吃了很多美食。
  That sounds great. I want to go tonight. 听起来不错啊。我想今晚去。
  You should take a taxi. 你应该打辆出租车。
  Oh, why? 哦,为什么?
  Well, it's convenient and quick. And you don't have to worry about parking. 出租车很便利、快捷。并且你不必担心停车的问题。
  That's true. Thanks for the advice. 的确。谢谢你的建议。
  No problem. And remember to tip the driver! 别客气。记得给司机小费!