【大家说英语】 第350期:支付账单(1)(在线收听

   What are you looking at, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你在看什么?

  I am looking at my power bill. I think. 我在看我的电费账单。我想应该是吧。
  What do you mean? 你指的是什么意思?
  Well, I don't understand this bill. 我看不明白这个账单。
  Let me help you. What don't you understand? 我来帮你吧。你不理解什么?
  When is it due? And how do I pay it? 什么时候缴款到期?我要如何支付呢?
  Let's see. Hmm... It tells you right here. 让我看看。恩,就在这里啊。
  In Taipei, I never have a problem with bills. 在台北,我从来没遇到过账单的问题。
  Really? How do you pay them? 真的吗?你是怎么支付的呢?
  You go to a convenience store. 你可以去便利商店。
  Well, you can't usually do that here. 在这里你通常不能这么做。
  I know. That's my problem. 我知道。这就是我遇到问题。
  That's not your only problem. How old is this bill? 这不仅仅是你的问题。这个账单有多久了?
  I don't know. Why? 我不知道。怎么了?
  You didn't pay this bill on time. It's overdue! 你没有及时支付这份账单。已经过期了!
  Oh, no! 哦,不!
  You have to pay this bill today. 你今天必须要支付这份账单了。
  Is it that bad? 情况这么糟糕?
  Yes. The electric company might turn off your power. 没错。电力公司可能会断掉你的电的。
  But without power, I can't cook. 但是没有电,我就没法做饭了。
  So pay the bill. Do it today. 所以要支付账单啊。今天就付。
  How can I pay it today? 我今天要怎么支付?
  You can go to the power company's office at lunch. 吃午饭时你可以去电力公司办公室。
  OK. I can do that. 好的。这我做得到。