【大家说英语】 第351期:支付账单(2)(在线收听

   Bills, bills, bills... 账单,账单,账单...

  Excuse me? What did you say? 打扰一下。你刚才在说什么?
  Oh, nothing. I'm just looking at my bills. There are a lot of them. 哦,没什么。我只是在看我的账单。我有很多账单。
  There are. I pay a gas bill, a water bill and a cable bill. 的确。我要付燃气费、水费和有线电视费。
  Don't forget your cellphone bill and your rent. 不要忘记你的电话费和你的房租。
  Right. And I often have credit card bills, too. 没错。另外我通常还会有信用卡账单。
  We pay a lot of bills! 我们要付很多账单啊!
  I don't like bills. Some of them are really expensive. 我不喜欢账单。有一些太贵了。
  I know. But bills pay for some important things. 我理解。但是账单可以为我们买一些重要的东西。
  That's true. All of those things make life easier and more convenient. 没错。所有这些东西都让生活更轻松、更便利。
  And more fun! 还更有趣!
  Right. Life wouldn't be very much fun without water and electricity. 是的。没了水和电,生活就不会很有意思了。
  But it would be nice to spend less on bills. 但是如果能在账单上少花一些,也挺好的。
  That would be great. 那就太棒了。
  Did you pay your electric bill? 你付你的电费了吗?
  Yes. I went and paid my bill at lunch. Now they won't shut off my electricity. 付了。我午饭时间去付的。现在他们就不会断我的电了。
  Good. Paying your bills on time is important. 好的。准时支付账单是很重要的。
  I know. How do you pay your bills, Linda? 我知道。琳达,你是怎么支付你的账单的?
  I pay them online. 我是在线支付的。
  Can you show me how to do that? 你能给我演示一下怎么做吗?
  Sure. I have to pay my garbage bill, so I'll show you how. 当然。我必须要支付我的垃圾费了,那我就演示给你看。