【大家说英语】 第352期:自动驾驶汽车(1)(在线收听

   Alex, do you like to drive? 阿莱克斯,你喜欢开车吗?

  Sure. But I don't like to sit in traffic! 当然。但是我不喜欢堵在路上。
  When I'm tired, I avoid driving. 当我比较疲惫的时候,我会避免开车。
  I know. It is not safe. I don't drive when the weather is bad. 我了解。疲劳驾车不安全。当天气糟糕的时候,我不会开车。
  So a self-driving car would be really great. 所以一辆自动驾驶的汽车真的会很棒。
  A what? 一辆什么?
  A self-driving car. You can go places at the push of a button. 一辆自动驾驶的汽车。你只要按下一个按钮,就可以去别的地方了。
  Susie, what do you know about self-driving cars? 苏西,你了解自动驾驶的汽车吗?
  Not much. Isn't Google developing one? 不是很多。是谷歌正在研发的那个吗?
  Yes. I was just reading about it online. It's really great. 是的。我刚刚在网上读到了有关它的信息。真的太棒了。
  How does it work? 那它是如何操作的?
  Choose a place you want to go and program the car. Then you push a button. And the car takes you there. 选择一个你想去的地方,然后把车子设定好就可以了。然后你按下一个按钮。之后汽车就会带你去那里了。
  You don't have to do anything? 你什么都不必做吗?
  No. You just enjoy the ride! 不必。你只需要享受旅途就可以了!
  Rob is really excited about self-driving cars. 罗布对自动驾驶汽车感到很兴奋。
  I know. He's talking to everyone about them. 我知道。他和每个人都在谈论它们。
  What do you think about them? Would you want one? 你觉得自动驾驶汽车怎么样?你想要一辆吗?
  They sound scary to me. I like to control my car myself. 我觉得它们听起来很可怕。我喜欢自己控制我的汽车。
  But not everyone can control their car well. So people have accidents. 但是不是每个人都能把车开得很好。所以会有车祸的发生。
  I know. But don't trust a self-driving car to avoid an accident. 的确。但是不要认为自动驾驶汽车就能避免车祸。