【大家说英语】 第353期:自动驾驶汽车(2)(在线收听

   So, Linda, what do you think about self-driving cars? Everyone is talking about them. 琳达,你怎么看自动驾驶汽车?所有人都在谈论它们。

  I think they are a great idea. Just think. Blind people could use them. And old people could use them, too. 我认为这是一个好想法。想想看。盲人可以使用这种汽车。老年人也可以使用。
  Right. Now many seniors give up their cars because they're no longer safe drivers. 没错。现在许多老年人放弃了自己的汽车了,因为他们不再能够安全驾驶了。
  I'd like to ride in a self-driving car. 我想搭乘自动驾驶的汽车。
  So would I. But it would be strange. I hear they don't have steering wheels! 我也是。但是可能会很奇怪。我听说这种汽车没有方向盘!
  Rob, have Google's self-driving cars been in any accidents? 罗布,谷歌的自动驾驶汽车发生过车祸吗?
  Yes, a few. I read that other drivers have hit Google's self-driving cars 14 times. 有,发生过几次。我读到过说其他司机有14次撞上了谷歌的自动驾驶汽车。
  But a self-driving car has never caused an accident. 但是自动驾驶汽车没有造成过一起事故。
  That's amazing. 真是惊人。
  Yes. It is amazing considering that the Google cars drive about 10,000 miles a month! 是的。想想谷歌的汽车一个月行驶1万英里,多么令人吃惊。
  That's more than many people drive in a year! 这个数字要比许多人一年驾驶的还要大!
  Why would anyone want a self-driving car? If I want someone to drive me, I'll take a bus! 为什么所有人都想要一辆自动驾驶汽车?如果我想要别人开车载我,我会乘坐公交车!
  Buses stop many places. A self-driving car would just take you where you want to go. 公交车会停靠很多站。一辆自动驾驶汽车可以只带你去你想去的地方。
  I don't think they're safe. 我不认为这种汽车足够安全。
  Self-driving cars have driven over 1 million miles with only minor accidents. 自动驾驶汽车已经行驶了超过一百万英里的路程,只发生过一些小事故。
  Fine. But I'm not ready to let a computer drive me around just yet! 好吧。但是我现在还没准备好让一台电脑载着我满处跑!