【大家说英语】 第354期:公共无线网(在线收听

   A thief is stealing money from a store. Someone calls the police. 一个小偷正在偷一家商店的钱。有人报了警。

  Soon the police arrive at the store. But they cannot find the thief. 不久之后警察来到了该商店。但是他们找不到那个小偷了。
  The police use Wi-Fi to check a security camera in the store. 于是警察使用无线网查看店内的监控摄像头。
  They get a picture of the thief from that. 他们从中获得了小偷的一张照片。
  Next, the police use Wi-Fi to check security cameras near the store. 接着,警察使用无线网查看商店附近的监控摄像头。
  They see the thief running away. But soon the police catch him. 他们看到小偷正在逃跑。但是警察马上就抓捕了他。
  Smartphones are useful. They help us learn, play, shop and work. 智能手机很有用。它们帮助我们学习、做游戏、购物以及工作。
  They let us use the Internet everywhere we go. 它们让我们不论走到哪里都可以用互联网。
  But using the Internet on a smartphone can be expensive. 但是用手机上网会比较昂贵。
  Some people can't afford that. And some people don't have smartphones. 一些人不能承担这一费用。而有一些人还没有智能手机。
  They get on the Internet with their computers or tablets. 他们用自己的电脑或者平板来上网。
  So many cities have public Wi-Fi. 因此许多城市都提供公共无线网。
  Public Wi-Fi gives everyone a cheap, fast way to use the Internet. 公共无线网为所有人提供了一种便宜、快速的使用网络的方式。
  Free public Wi-Fi also helps in other ways. 免费公共无线网也能够在其它方面提供帮助。
  It helps small businesses grow because it helps them save money. 免费公共无线网有助于小企业增长,因为它可以为企业节省金钱。
  It helps cities see how we use water, gas and electricity. 免费公共无线网可以帮助城市了解我们是如何用水、用天然气和用电的。
  Then they don't waste those things. 这样我们就不会在这些方面浪费了。
  It also lets people do their work without going to the office. 免费公共无线网还可以让人们不用去办公室就可以做工作。
  And it helps police and fire services get information more easily. 它可以让警察以及消防人员更轻易地获得信息。
  Isn't public Wi-Fi great? 公共无线网是不是很棒?