【大家说英语】 第356期:下雨天(2)(在线收听

   That's a big storm outside! 外面的暴风雨好大啊!

  Did you hear the thunder? 你听到打雷了吗?
  Yes. I love the sound of rain and thunder. 听到了。我喜欢雨和雷电的声音。
  So do I. But Rob doesn't. He doesn't like cold and rainy weather. 我也是。但是罗布不是。他不喜欢冷的、下雨的天气。
  Will he come to the Jungle Café today? 他今天会来丛林咖啡吗?
  Yes. He can't stay in the studio all day. 会的。他不会整天待在摄影棚里的。
  Ha! But he will try! It is freezing outside. 哈!但是他一定会尽量待在那里的!外面冻死了。
  Susie, where is Alex? Is he here? 苏西,阿莱克斯在哪里?他在这里吗?
  He was here. But he went back to the studio. 他刚刚在这里。不过他回摄影棚了。
  Already?! I have this raincoat for him. 已经回去了?我把这件雨衣给他拿来了。
  Well, he left. He probably got wet on the way back. 恩,他已经走了。他可能会在回来的路上被淋湿。
  I told Alex to wait here. 我告诉阿莱克斯要在这里等的。
  Well, he had to go. 恩,他不得不走。
  Poor Alex. I'll hurry to the studio and give him this coat. 可怜的阿莱克斯。我要赶紧赶到摄影棚,给他这件外衣。
  Alex! Why are you so wet? 阿莱克斯!为什么你身上这么湿?
  It's raining. 外面在下雨。
  I know. But where is your umbrella or raincoat? 我知道。不过你的雨伞和雨衣呢?
  My coat is at home, and so is my umbrella. It wasn't raining when I left this morning. 我的外衣在家里,我的雨伞也是。我今早出门时外边还没下雨。
  That's too bad. 太惨了。
  I don't like getting wet. Taylor promised to bring me a coat. But I had to go. 我不喜欢淋湿的感觉。泰勒答应给我拿一件外衣的。但是我不得不离开。
  Well, let's get you a towel. Come on! 恩,我去给你拿一条毛巾吧。走吧!