【大家说英语】 第359期:自行车之旅(在线收听

   Heather was at the street corner. She was waiting for Zach. 希瑟站在街角。她在等着扎克。

  They were going for a bike ride today. 他们今天要去骑自行车。
  Heather checked her tires, her bike chain and brakes. 希瑟检查了她的车胎、链条以及车闸。
  Then she saw Zach coming down the street. 然后她就看到扎克来到这条街道上了。
  Zach had a new bike and was very excited about the trip. 扎克有一辆新自行车,并且对这趟旅行刚到很兴奋。
  Zach stopped next to Heather. 扎克在希瑟身边停了下来。
  "Hi, Heather! Let's get going!" Zach said. 扎克说道:“嗨,希瑟!我们出发吧!”
  Heather put on her helmet. She always wore a helmet when she went on bike rides. 希瑟戴上了她的安全头盔。她总是在骑自行车的时候戴上安全头盔。
  Zach was not wearing a helmet. 但是扎克没有戴安全头盔。
  "Where is your helmet, Zach?" she asked. 她问道:“你的安全头盔在哪呢?”
  "I don't have one, but I'll be fine, Heather," said Zach. 扎克说道:“我没有安全头盔,但是不会出问题的,希瑟。”
  "I don't wear a helmet, but I never have accidents. Today shouldn't be any different." “我不戴头盔,但是我没出过事故。今天也一样。”
  Heather argued with him, but Zach wouldn't change his mind. 希瑟和他争论了起来,但是扎克没有改变主意。
  "We are going to ride our bikes all day. And the traffic on the streets is dangerous," she said. 希瑟说道:“我们今天要骑一整天。街上的交通状况又很危险。”
  She gave Zach good reasons for wearing a helmet. 她向扎克提出了戴安全头盔的恰当理由。
  But they saw other people without helmets. So Zach didn't want one. 但是他们看到其他人也没戴安全头盔。所以扎克也就不想戴了。
  He just wanted to start their trip. 他只想要马上开始他们的旅程。
  "Heather, let's go. I'll get one before our next trip. Come on!" “希瑟,我们出发吧。我会在我们下次骑行时买一顶的。走吧!”
  What should Heather do? 希瑟应该怎么办呢?