英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第376期:第二十五章 一触即发(1)(在线收听


  Edward helped me into his car, being very careful of the wisps of silk and chiffon, the flowers he'd just pinned into my elaborately styled curls, and my bulky walking cast.  爱德华帮我坐进他的车里,非常小心地不去碰到那一束束的丝绸和薄纱,还有他刚刚插到我精心设计的卷发上的鲜花,以及我那庞大的行走纠正靴。
  He ignored the angry set of my mouth. 他完全无视我唇上的怒色。
  When he had me settled, he got in the driver's seat and headed back out the long, narrow drive. 当他帮我坐好后,他坐上了驾驶座,然后把车倒出那条长长的狭窄的车道。
  "At what point exactly are you going to tell me what's going on?" I asked grumpily. I really hated surprises. And he knew that. “要到哪一个特别的时刻你才会告诉我接下来要发生什么事?”我暴躁地问道。我真的讨厌惊喜。而他知道。
  "I'm shocked that you haven't figured it out yet." He threw a mocking smile in my direction, and my breath caught in my throat. Would I ever get used to his perfection? “让我震惊的是,你到现在还没想出来。”他冲我投来嘲弄的一笑,我的呼吸立刻卡在了喉咙里。我到底要到什么时候才能习惯他的完美呢?
  "I did mention that you looked very nice, didn't I?" I verified. “我没有提到你看上去很不错,对吧?”我求证道。
  "Yes." He grinned again. I'd never seen him dress in black before, and, with the contrast against his pale skin, his beauty was absolutely surreal.  “是的。”他又是咧嘴一笑。我此前从没见过他穿黑色,这颜色与他苍白的肌肤形成了巨大的反差,他的美丽完全是超凡脱俗的。
  That much I couldn't deny, even if the fact that he was wearing a tuxedo made me very nervous. 我没法否认这一点,即便是他穿着一套男式无尾晚礼服这个事实也已经让我很不安了。
  Not quite as nervous as the dress. Or the shoe. Only one shoe, as my other foot was still securely encased in plaster.  不安不仅仅源于穿着。或是鞋子。我只穿着一只鞋子,因为我的另一只脚依然安全地包裹在石膏里。
  But the stiletto heel, held on only by satin ribbons, certainly wasn't going to help me as I tried to hobble around. 但那仅仅用彩色缎带缠绕起来的细细的鞋跟,显然是不会在我蹒跚而行时有任何帮助的。
  "I'm not coming over anymore if Alice is going to treat me like Guinea Pig Barbie when I do," I griped.  “如果爱丽丝打算像刚才那样把我当芭比豚鼠一样打理的话,我就再也不会过来了。”我抱怨道。
  I'd spent the better part of the day in Alice's staggeringly vast bathroom, a helpless victim as she played hairdresser and cosmetician.  我把一天中最好的时光花在了爱丽丝那间大得惊人的浴室里,充当她扮演发型师和美容师时那个无助的受害者。
  Whenever I fidgeted or complained, she reminded me that she didn't have any memories of being human, and asked me not to ruin her vicarious fun. 每当我坐卧不安或是想要抱怨的时候,她都会提醒我她完全不记得她当人类时的事了,然后要求我不要毁掉她聊以代替的乐趣。