英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第378期:第二十五章 一触即发(3)(在线收听

   Edward's tone changed, and the threat in his voice was suddenly much more evident as he continued. "To be perfectly honest, she'll be unavailable every night,  爱德华的语气变了,他声音里的威胁忽然变得明显起来,他继续说道。“我再诚恳不过地告诉你,她每天晚上都没空,

  as far as anyone besides myself is concerned. No offense. And I'm sorry about your evening." He didn't sound sorry at all.  对每个人都是这样,但我除外。我没有冒犯的意思。我为你今晚的事深感歉意。”他听起来没有半点歉意。
  And then he snapped the phone shut, a huge smirk on his face. 然后他啪地一下关掉电话,脸上露出一个大大的咧嘴坏笑。
  My face and neck flushed crimson with anger. I could feel the rage-induced tears starting to fill my eyes. 我的脸和脖子因为愤怒而变得绯红一片。我能感觉到盛怒带来的泪水正开始盈满我的眼眶。
  He looked at me in surprise. "Was that last part a bit too much? I didn't mean to offend you." 他惊讶地看着我。“最后一段说得太过分了吗?我不是有意要冒犯你的。”
  I ignored that. 我不去理会他的话。
  "You're taking me to the prom!" I yelled. “你要带我去舞会!”我大叫起来。
  It was embarrassingly obvious now. If I'd been paying any attention at all, I'm sure I would have noticed the date on the posters that decorated the school buildings.  现在这一切明显得令人难堪。如果我有稍微注意一下的话,我敢肯定我一点会留意到张贴在学校大楼上的海报的日期的。
  But I'd never dreamed he was thinking of subjecting me to this. Didn't he know me at all? 但我根本想象不到他在想着把我引向那里。他完全不认识我吗?
  He wasn't expecting the force of my reaction, that was clear. He pressed his lips together and his eyes narrowed. "Don't be difficult, Bella." 他完全没有预料的我的反应会如此强烈,这再明白不过了。他抿紧了唇,他的眼睛眯缝起来。“别自寻烦恼,贝拉。”
  My eyes flashed to the window; we were halfway to the school already. 我的眼睛飞快地瞥向窗外,我们已经在去学校的半路上了。
  "Why are you doing this to me?" I demanded in horror. “你为什么要让我做这?。”我震惊地诘问道。
  He gestured to his tuxedo. "Honestly, Bella, what did you think we were doing?" 他冲自己的晚礼服打了个手势。“老实说,贝拉,你认为我们在做什么?”
  I was mortified. First, because I'd missed the obvious.  我被问住了。首先,因为我忽略了显而易见的事实。
  And also because the vague suspicions expectations, really that I'd been forming all day, as Alice tried to transform me into a beauty queen, were so far wide of the mark.  也因为那种模糊的疑虑——确切地说,是期待——我一整天都在盼望着,那时爱丽丝正试图把我变成一个漂亮的舞会皇后,这实在是个太明显的标志了。
  My half-fearful hopes seemed very silly now. 我半是害怕半是希望的想法现在显得很愚蠢。
  I'd guessed there was some kind of occasion brewing. But prom! That was the furthest thing from my mind. 我猜测过,这会是某种酝酿已久的场合。但舞会!这是我最不可能想到的事情。
  The angry tears rolled over my cheeks. I remembered with dismay that I was very uncharacteristically wearing mascara. 愤怒的泪水从我的脸颊上滚落下来。我惊慌地想起来,我正非同寻常地涂了睫毛膏。