英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第387期:第二十五章 一触即发(12)(在线收听

   He called you pretty, he finally continued, his frown deepening. That's practically an insult, the way you look right now. You're much more than beautiful. “他说你漂亮。”他最终继续说道,他的眉头皱得更深了。“对你现在的样子来说,这实在是一种侮辱。你远甚于美丽。”

  I laughed. You might be a little biased. 我大笑起来。“你有偏见。”
  I don't think that's it. Besides, I have excellent eyesight. “我不这样认为。另外,我有卓越的视力。”
  We were twirling again, my feet on his as he held me close. 我们又开始转圈了,我的脚踩上了他的脚,他把我抱得更紧了。
  So are you going to explain the reason for all of this? I wondered. “那么,你打算解释这一切的原因了吗?”我问道。
  He looked down at me, confused, and I glared meaningfully at the crepe paper. 他低下头,困惑地看着我,我意味深长地瞥了一眼那些卷绉纸。
  He considered for a moment, and then changed direction, spinning me through the crowd to the back door of the gym. I caught a glimpse of Jessica and Mike dancing,  他思考了片刻,然后改变了方向,带着我转着圈穿过人群,舞到体育馆的后门那里。我一眼看见了正在跳舞的杰西卡和迈克。
  staring at me curiously. Jessica waved, and I smiled back quickly. Angela was there, too, looking blissfully happy in the arms of little Ben Cheney;  他们都好奇地盯着我。杰西卡挥了挥手,我飞快地报以一笑。安吉拉也在那里,看上去一脸幸福地被小个子本?切尼抱在怀里。
  she didn't look up from his eyes, a head lower than hers. Lee and Samantha, Lauren, glaring toward us, with Conner; I could name every face that spiraled past me.  她的眼睛简直没法从他的目光里移开,他比她低了一个头。李和萨曼塔,劳伦,她正瞪着我,和科纳在一起。我能叫出旋转着从我面前经过的每一张脸。
  And then we were outdoors, in the cool, dim light of a fading sunset. 然后我们走出了门外,走到了正在消逝的日落的清冷的,黯淡的光线中。