【大家说英语】 第361期:神奇的动物(2)(在线收听

   I just finished a really intersting interview, Alex. 阿莱克斯,我刚刚完成了一场非常有意思的采访。

  Who did you talk to? 你和谁交谈的呢?
  Anna Wild. She works at a zoo and knows a lot about animals. 安娜·怀尔德。她在一家动物园工作,并且知道很多关于动物的信息。
  I like animals. My favorite is the cheetah. It can run 121 kilometers an hour. 我喜欢动物。我最喜欢的是非洲猎豹。这种动物每小时可以跑121公里。
  That's fast. But there is an animal that moves faster. 真快啊。但是还有一种动物的速度更快。
  Really? What is it? 真的吗?是什么?
  A kind of falcon. It can fly as fast as 300 kilometers an hour! 是一种猎鹰。它每小时可以飞300公里。
  Hi, Alex. What are you doing? 嗨,阿莱克斯。你在做什么?
  I'm reading about animals. Some are really amazing! 我在读有关动物的文章。有些真的让人很惊讶!
  Like what? 比如说什么呢?
  Do you know which animal sleeps the most? 你知道哪种动物睡觉睡得最多吗?
  Uh, cats or dogs? 额,是猫还是狗?
  No. Koalas sleep the most. They sleep 22 hours a day! 都不是。考拉睡得最多。它们一天要睡22个小时!
  Which animal sleeps the least? 那哪种动物睡觉时间最少呢?
  The shark. It never really sleeps! Elephants don't sleep much, either. They only sleep about four hours a night. 鲨鱼。这种动物从来不会真的睡觉!大象也不会睡很多。它们一晚只睡大约4小时。
  Taylor, these animal facts I'm reading are really interesting. Do you want to hear one? 泰勒,我在都的这些动物知识真的很有意思。你想听一个吗?
  Sure. What? 当然。是什么呢?
  Do you know what the deadliest animal in the world is? 你知道世界上最致命的动物是什么吗?
  Uh, some kind of snake? 额,某种蛇类?
  No. A mosquito! 不。是蚊子!
  Really? Why? 真的吗?为什么?
  Because they carry diseases. Mosquitoes kill about 725,000 people every year! 因为它们携带病菌。蚊子每年可以让大约72.5万人丧命。
  That's terrible! No wonder I don't like them! 太可怕了!难怪我不喜欢它们!
  They aren't liked by anybody! 蚊子不会让任何人喜欢的!