【大家说英语】 第363期:新的飞行方式 无人机(1)(在线收听

   My guest today is Frank Flight. He works with drones. 我们今天的来宾是弗兰克·弗莱特先生。他使用无人机工作。

  It's great to meet you, Rob. 罗布,很高兴见到你。
  Tell us about drones, Frank. 弗兰克,给我们讲讲无人机吧。
  Drones are small helicopters or airplanes. But they don't have pilots in them. 无人机是一种小型的直升机或飞机。但是上面是没有飞行员的。
  No pilots! Who flies the drone? 没有飞行员!那是谁驾驶无人机呢?
  A person on the ground controls the drone. 地面上的一个人负责控制无人机。
  Many people like drones. 许多人喜欢无人机。
  Yes. Drones are lots of fun. 是的。无人机很有趣。
  Tell me more about drones, Frank. 弗兰克,给我多说一说关于无人机的事情吧。
  Drones often have cameras on them. A person on the ground can see through the camera. 无人机上面经常携带摄像头。地面上的人可以通过这个摄像头观看。
  That sounds useful. 听起来很有用处。
  Yes. Drones can see the world from high above. 是的。无人机可以从高空看世界。
  Like a bird does! 就好像一只鸟一样!
  Sure. But most drones can only fly for a little while. 没错。但是大多数无人机只能飞很短的时间。
  Why? 为什么?
  Because their batteries do not last very long. 因为他们的电池续航时间不会很长。
  Frank, how long can a drone fly for? 弗兰克,一架无人机可以飞多长时间?
  Well, most toy drones can fly for about 30 minutes. 恩,大多数玩具无人机可以飞大约30分钟。
  Are there any better drones? 还有更好的无人机吗?
  Oh, yes. The army and the police have amazing drones. They can fly for much longer. 是的。军队和警察有很棒的无人机。这些无人机可以飞更长时间。
  Flying a drone sounds really fun. 控制一架无人机听起来很有趣。
  Toy drones are not very expensive, and many stores sell them. 玩具无人机不是非常昂贵,许多商店都有售。
  Maybe I'll buy one for myself. 可能我会给我自己买一架。