【大家说英语】 第364期:新的飞行方式 无人机(2)(在线收听

   Hi, Alex. I had an interesting guest on the show this morning. 嗨,阿莱克斯。今天早上节目中我请到了一位有趣的嘉宾。

  Who was it? 是谁呢?
  Frank Flight. He works with drones. 弗兰克·弗莱特。他在从事无人机的工作。
  Cool. Drones are amazing pieces of technology. 真酷。无人机是一项惊人的科技产物。
  Have you ever flown one? 你有没有飞过无人机?
  No. 没有。
  I haven't, either. But I really want to fly one now. 我也没有。但是我现在真的想飞一架。
  Your dream may come true, Rob. 罗布,你的梦想有可能实现。
  How? 怎么说?
  Well, Taylor is borrowing her uncle's drone this weekend. 泰勒这周末要借用她叔叔的无人机。
  Hey, Taylor. You're borrowing your uncle's drone this weekend, aren't you? 嗨,泰勒。你是不是这周末要借用你叔叔的无人机?
  Yes. I already have it at home. 是的。我已经借回来放家里了。
  Great! Can Rob and I watch you fly it? 太棒了!我和罗布能看看你放飞它吗?
  Sure. You can fly it, too. 当然。你们也可以放飞试试。
  Thanks, Taylor. Let's try to land the drone on the studio roof. 谢谢,泰勒。我们试试看把无人机降落在工作室的屋顶上吧。
  No. We don't want to lose the drone. But we can use it to take some fun photos. 不要。我们可不想把无人机给弄丢了。但是我们可以用它拍一些有趣的照片。
  OK! 好的!
  Linda, would you like to fly a drone? 琳达,你想放飞一架无人机吗?
  Do you have one? 你有无人机吗?
  Yes, I'm borrowing my uncle's drone. Rob, Alex and I will fly it on Saturday. 是的,我借了我叔叔的无人机。罗布,阿莱克斯和我这周六会放飞它。
  I don't think that I like drones. 我想我不太喜欢无人机。
  Why not? 为什么不喜欢?
  People can spy with them. 人们可以用无人机进行窥探。
  I promise we won't do that. And we can't spy on you if you are with us. 我发誓我不会那么做。如果你和我们在一起,我们就没办法窥探你了。
  Very funny. OK, I'll join you. 你真会说笑。好吧,我加入。