【大家说英语】 第365期:怪物疑云(在线收听

   It is 8 p.m. My niece calls. 现在是晚上八点。我的侄女打来了电话。

  She says there is a monster outside her apartment. 她说她的公寓外边有一只妖怪。
  I don't believe her. She watches too many scary movies. 我不相信她说的。她平常看了太多的恐怖电影。
  But I walk to her house on foot. 但是我还是徒步走到她的家里。
  I get to my niece's door and she opens it. She is scared. 我敲了我侄女的门,她把门打开了。她很害怕。
  "Uncle E! Thank you for coming," she says. 她说:“E叔叔!谢谢你能来。”
  "Where did you see the monster?" I ask her. 我问她:“你是在哪里看到的怪物?”
  "I saw it at the back of the apartment building. “我在公寓楼的后边看到的。
  But I didn't see it clearly. It was too dark," she says. 但是我没看仔细。天太黑了。”她说。
  "It was big, and it was loud. It looked like a monster!" “它很大,而且发出的声音也很大。看起来像一个妖怪!”
  I go to the back of the building. 于是我来到了公寓楼的后边。
  I hear a noise. It is loud and scary. 我听到了一个声音。声音很大很吓人。
  Then I see something big and dark. 之后我看到了一个很大的东西。
  It doesn't look human. Is it a monster? 它看起来不像人类。是一个妖怪吗?
  The thing comes closer. 那个东西朝我逼近。
  Maybe my niece was right. Maybe it is a monster! 可能我的侄女是对的。可能它就是个妖怪!
  I move back. Then I see something. 我向后移动。然后我看到了一件事情。
  The monster is wearing shoes. And it is speaking English! 那个怪物正在穿鞋。而且它在说英语!
  "Can you help me with this laundry?" it asks. 它问道:“你能帮我拿下这些洗好的衣服吗?”
  The monster moves into the light. 这个妖怪来到了灯光前。
  It is covered with a sheet. 它身上穿着一件床单。
  "These sheets keep falling down!" the monster says. 这个怪物说道:“这些床单一直往下掉!”