【大家说英语】 第368期:网上购物(在线收听

   Good morning, Ben. 本,早上好。

  Hi, Alex. How was your weekend? 嗨,阿莱克斯。周末过得怎么样?
  It was great! What about yours? 很棒!你呢?
  My weekend was good, too. I found the perfect birthday gift for my dad! 我的周末也不错。我给我爸爸挑了一个完美的生日礼物!
  What did you get him? 你送他的是什么?
  I bought him a cool Frisbee. My dad loves playing Frisbee. 我给他买了一个很酷的飞盘。我爸爸喜欢玩儿飞盘。
  Can I see it? 我能看看吗?
  I don't have it yet. I ordered it online. 现在我还没拿到。我在网上订购的。
  Hi, Ben. What are you doing? 嗨,本。你在干什么?
  I'm checking the tracking on a package. I ordered something from Owl Gifts. 我在检查包裹的踪迹。我从猫头鹰礼品店订了些东西。
  When will it arrive? 包裹什么时候到?
  Today! 今天!
  Do you shop online often? 你经常网上购物吗?
  Yes. I order a lot of things online. 是的。我在网上订购了很多东西。
  Why? 为什么?
  It's so convenient. I can order things at any time of day. And things are delivered right to my door! 这样很方便。我可以在一天当中的任意时间订购东西。而且这些东西可以送到我的家门口!
  Hi, Ben. A box arrived for you. 嗨,本。有一个寄给你的盒子。
  Thank you, Linda. 谢谢你,琳达。
  You're welcome. 不用谢。
  It's my dad's birthday gift. 这是我爸爸的生日礼物。
  Oh! When is his birthday? 哦!他的生日是什么时候?
  His birthday is on Saturday. He'll be 65 this year. 他的生日在这周六。他今年65岁了。
  Happy Birthday to your dad! 祝你爸爸生日快乐!
  Thank you! 谢谢!
  How are you going to celebrate? 你们要怎么庆祝呢?
  My parents are coming to visit me this weekend. We will have a party! 我父母这周要来看我。我们会办一个派对!