【大家说英语】 第369期:邮局二三事(在线收听

   Hi, Taylor. I'm on my way to the post office. Do you need anything? 嗨,泰勒。我在去邮局的路上。你需要什么东西吗?

  No thanks. Why are you going to the post office? 不,谢谢。为什么你要去邮局呢?
  I have some letters to send. 我有一些信要寄。
  Do you just need to buy stamps? 你只需要买邮票吗?
  Yes. 是的。
  Then you don't need to go to the post office. I can help you. 那么你就不需要去邮局了。我可以帮助你。
  You can? 你可以?
  Sure. I can print postage on my computer. 当然。我可以在我的电脑上打印邮资。
  So you can print your own stamps? 所以你可以打印你自己的邮票?
  Yes! You can print not only stamps but also postage for packages. I use Stamps.com. It's easy. 是的!你不仅可以打印邮票,还可以印包裹的邮资。我是用Stamps.com。很方便。
  Can you use Stamps.com to mail things overseas? 你能用Stamps.com来把东西邮寄到海外吗?
  Sure. You can send letters and packages anywhere in the world. 当然。你可以把信件和包裹邮寄到世界上的任何地方。
  That's very convenient. 太方便了。
  It really is. Now I don't have to wait in line. I'll show you how Stamps.com works. 确实是。现在我不用排队等候了。我会给你演示一下Stamps.com是怎么工作的。
  Thanks, Taylor. 谢谢你,泰勒。
  Do you know the zip code for Denver, Linda? 琳达,你知道丹佛的邮递区号吗?
  No. But I can check online. What are you sending to Denver? 不知道。但是我可以上网查一下。你要把什么邮寄到丹佛?
  Our photo contest winner lives in Denver. I'm sending her prize. 我们摄影比赛的优胜者住在丹佛。我要给她邮寄奖品。
  Oh, OK. Can you give me the full address? 哦,好的。你能给我完整的地址吗?
  Sure. The address is 1233 First Street. 当然。地址是第一街1233号。
  Here it is. The zip code is 80204. 找到了。邮递区号是80204。
  Thanks, Linda. I'll get this in the mail right away! 谢谢你,琳达。我会马上把这个写在邮件上!