【大家说英语】 第370期:夏季服装(1)(在线收听

   Hey, Taylor, where do you shop for summer clothes? 嗨,泰勒,你在哪里买夏季的服装呢?

  I shop at the mall. I also shop at stores downtown. 我在商场里买。另外我也会去市区的商店买。
  I need some new summer clothes. 我需要一些夏季服装。
  What do you want? 你想要什么呢?
  I want some new skirts. I can wear them to work. 我想要一些新裙子。我可以穿着去工作。
  Skirts are nice and cool in summer. 夏天穿裙子是很适合、很凉爽的。
  I know. They're also comfortable. 是的。而且也非常舒服。
  That's a nice outfit, Susie. Those colors look good on you. 苏西,你这套衣服真好看。你很适合这些颜色。
  Thank you. I like it. It's comfortable. 谢谢。我很喜欢。穿起来很舒服。
  Where did you buy it? 你在哪里买的呢?
  At the mall. It was on sale. 在商场。当时在特价。
  There are some good sales now. 现在有一些很好的特价活动。
  Yes. I often buy things on sale. 是的。我经常买特价的东西。
  So do I. Then I can save money! 我也是。这样我就能省下钱来了!
  It's really hot today, Ben. 本,今天真得好热啊。
  It really is. Can we wear shorts and flip flops to work? 确实是。我能可以穿短裤和人字拖上班吗?
  Of course not. Those are not work clothes. 当然不行。这些都不是职场服装。
  I know. But I like shorts, T-shirts and flip flops. Those are comfortbale clothes. 我知道。但是我喜欢短裤、T恤和人字拖。这些都是穿着舒适的服装。
  Yes they are. Well, we can't wear them to work. But we can wear them after work! 是的。不过我们不能穿这种服装来上班。但是我们下班之后可以穿!