【大家说英语】 第371期:夏季服装(2)(在线收听

   I need some new shorts. Most of mine have holes in them. 我需要一些新短裤。我大部分短裤都破了洞。

  Go to Macy's department store at the mall. They have cool shorts. 去购物中心的梅西百货吧。那里有很酷的短裤。
  Great! Are they expensive? 太好了!价格很贵吗?
  Some pairs are. But some are only $10. I saw them yesterday. 有一些会比较贵。但是有一些只卖10美元。我昨天看到的。
  That's a good deal. Maybe I'll go to Macy's after work today. 那还挺划算的。今天下班之后我可能会去梅西百货。
  You can find a lot of good ones at the mall. 你在购物中心里可以找到很多不错的短裤。
  Do you like to shop, Taylor? 泰勒,你喜欢购物吗?
  Of course! Don't all girls like to shop? 当然!难道不是所有的女孩都喜欢购物吗?
  Yes, I guess so. I need some new shorts and jeans, but I don't like to shop. 是的,我猜也是。我需要一些新的短裤和牛仔裤,但是我不想购物。
  Why not? 为什么呢?
  Shopping for clothes isn't fun. It takes too much time. 购物买衣服没什么意思。而且这会花太多的时间。
  But you like shopping for other things. 但是你喜欢为了其他东西购物。
  Sure! I like to shop for computers or electronics. 没错!我喜欢购物买电脑或电子产品。
  So did you buy some new summer clothes, Linda? 琳达,你买了新的夏季服装了吗?
  I went shopping at the mall yesterday evening. I found a few things. 我昨天晚上在商场里买东西。结果我找到了一些衣服。
  Great! Were they on sale? 太棒了!有没有促销?
  Yes, they were. But I want to return a pair of pants. 是的。但是我想退掉一件长裤。
  Why? 为什么?
  When I tried them on again at home, they didn't fit right. 我在家又一次试穿的时候,发现并不是很合身。
  That's too bad. Well, then you'll need to go shopping again! 太糟了。然后你就需要再购一次物了!