【大家说英语】 第372期:与我同行(1)(在线收听

   How often do you watch movies, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你多久看一次电影?

  I watch a lot of movies. 我看了很多电影。
  Good. Let's go see a movie. 好的。我们一起去看场电影吧。
  Sure! What movie do you want to see? 没问题!你想看什么电影?
  The new Ghostbusters movie starts tonight. There's a show at 5:30. 新的《捉鬼敢死队》电影今晚上映。有一场在5点半。
  Great. Can I invite Rob? 太好了。我能邀请罗布去吗?
  Of course. Let's invite the girls, too. 当然。我们也邀请女孩子们吧!
  That's a great idea. We can all go! 好主意。我们可以一起去!
  Do you like rollercoasters, Linda? 你喜欢过山车吗,琳达?
  Yes, I do. Rollercoasters are my favorite rides at amusement parks. 是的,我喜欢。过山车是我在游乐场里最喜欢的设施。
  That's great! I am going to Adventure Park this Saturday. Do you want to come? 太好了!我这周六要去冒险岛乐园。你想一起去吗?
  Sure! Thanks for inviting me, Susie! 当然!谢谢你邀请我,苏西!
  You're welcome. Amusement parks are more fun with more friends. 别客气。和更多朋友一起去游乐园会更有意思。
  Right. I can't wait. 没错。我都等不及了。
  Are you a baseball fan, Ben? 本,你是一个棒球迷吗?
  Yes, I love baseball. 是的,我喜爱棒球。
  What's your favorite team? 你最喜欢的球队是哪支?
  I like the Lenox College Lions. They have a great coach. 我喜欢诺克斯学院的雄狮队。他们有一位非常出色的教练。
  I have an extra ticket to their game this Saturday. Do you want to go? 我这儿还有一张这周六他们比赛的球票。你想去吗?
  Really? I'd love to go! 真的吗?我想去!
  Great. The game is in the afternoon. 好的。这场比赛是在下午。