【大家说英语】 第375期:舒适的客厅(2)(在线收听

   So, Susie, what happened to your sofa? 苏西,你的沙发怎么了?

  I was taking care of my neighbor's dog. I left the dog alone for a couple of hours and... 我当时在照顾我邻居的狗。我把那只狗独自留在家里几个小时,结果...
  And the dog ruined the sofa. 结果那只狗把沙发给毁了。
  Right. But I needed a new sofa anyway. 没错。但是反正我都需要一个新沙发了。
  Why did you need a new sofa? 为什么你需要一个新沙发?
  Because my old sofa was more than 10 years old. 因为我的旧沙发已经用了超过10年了。
  Susie, did you buy a new sofa, yet? 苏西,你买了新沙发了吗?
  No. I'm still looking. I want a living room set with a nice armchair. 没有。我仍然在看。我想要一整套客厅家具,其中要有一把好看的扶手椅。
  That's a good idea. Then everything will match. 想法不错。这样所有东西都能搭配起来了。
  Yes. I also want a new bookcase. I have a lot of books. 是的。我也想要一个新的书柜。我有很多书。
  Maybe you can find furniture on sale. 也许你可以找到特价的家具。
  I want to. A living room set can cost a lot of money. 我希望是。一整套客厅家具要花很多钱的。
  How did you arrange your living room furniture, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你是怎么摆设你客厅的家具的?
  Well, my sofa is along the wall. And my pillows are in the middle of the room. 嗯,我的沙发靠着墙。我的坐垫放在屋子中间。
  Do you have armchairs? 你有扶手椅吗?
  Yes, I have two. There is a table between them. And there is a lamp on the table. The TV is on another wall. 是的,我有两把。它们中间有一张桌子。桌子上有一个台灯。电视在另一面墙上。
  That sounds like a comfortable living room. 听起来是一简很舒适的客厅。
  It is. 确实是。