【大家说英语】 第376期:移民到新的国家(在线收听

   Where are you from? Were you born where you live or did you move there? 你来自哪里?你的出生地是你现在居住的地方,还是你搬过去的地方?

  People have always moved from country to country. 人们总是会从一个国家搬到另外一个国家。
  But as the world's population grows, so does the number of immigrants. 但是随着世界人口的增长,移民的数量也有所增长。
  Today, there are about 244 million people living outside their home countries. 如今,有大约2.44亿人没有生活在他们自己的祖国。
  People leave their home countries for many reasons. 人们会因为很多原因离开他们的祖国。
  Some are running from danger. Others are looking for work or better lives. 有些人是为了躲避危险。其他人则是寻找工作机会或者追求更好的生活。
  Here are some facts about immigration: 下面是一些关于移民的事实:
  The United Kingdom has immigrants from the most different countries. 英国的外来移民来自最多的不同国家。
  People from France have emigrated to the most different places. 法国人会移民到最多的不同国家。
  India has the highest number of emigrants. 印度移民出国的人数最多。
  More than 14 million Indians have moved abroad. 已经有超过1400万的印度人移民出国了。
  Some countries have more immigrants than locals. 一些国家的外来移民人数比本地人还要多。
  Eighty-four percent of people in the United Arab Emirates are immigrants. 阿联酋84%的人是外来移民。
  Moving costs money. The poorest countries have the least emigrants, because their people can't afford to move. 迁徙需要钱。最穷的国家有最少的出国移民,因为这些国家的国民没有钱迁徙。
  Sometimes, immigrants are blamed for problems in their new countries. 有时,外来移民会被认为是其新的国家出现的问题的原因。
  But usually immigrants are very important to their new countries. 但是通常来说,移民对于新国家来说是非常重要的。
  Many countries need immigrants to help them to grow. 许多国家需要外来移民来帮助它们提升。
  In some countries, local people aren't having enough babies. 在一些国家,当地人生育的孩子的数量不够多。
  Other countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand are looking for workers with special skills. 而像加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰这些国家,都在寻找有特殊技能的工作者。
  Immigrants help these countries by having children, working and paying taxes. 外来移民会通过生育孩子、工作以及缴税来帮助到这些国家。