【大家说英语】 第378期:天气晴朗(2)(在线收听

   Rob, what a hot day! 罗布,今天天气太热了!

  Hi, Alex. What were you doing outside? 嗨,阿莱克斯。你刚刚在户外在做什么?
  I was playing basketball. It was a lot of fun. 我刚刚在打篮球。很有意思。
  You must be pretty hot now. 你现在一定很热吧。
  I am. I'm also very thirsty. 是的。我还非常渴。
  Do you want some of my water? 你要喝些我的水吗?
  No, thank you. I'll buy a soft drink at the Jungle Café. 不了,谢谢。我会在丛林咖啡馆买杯饮料。
  OK. See you later, Alex. 好的。待会儿见,阿莱克斯。
  Hi, Alex. You look thirsty. You need a cold drink. 嗨,阿莱克斯。你看起来很渴。你需要一杯凉饮。
  I do. It's hot outside. 是的。外边很热。
  Well, the café has a sale on ice cream sodas and soft drinks. 恩,咖啡馆的冰淇淋苏打和饮料都在特价。
  Great! I'll buy a Coke then go back outside. 太棒了!我要买一杯可乐,然后再回到外边去。
  That sounds good. 听起来很不错。
  You should go outside. Being in the sun is fun! 你应该去户外。在太阳底下很好玩儿!
  Yes, OK. I'll go to the park. 好的。我会去公园的。
  Ben, are you enjoying the sunny weather? 本,你喜欢晴朗的天气吗?
  Yes. I love being active in the sun. 喜欢。我喜欢在太阳底下活动。
  Were you in the park? 你刚才是在公园吗?
  Yes. I was jogging. 是的。我在慢跑。
  That sounds hot. 听起来就很热。
  It was hot. But I'm going back to the park. 是很热。但是我现在要回到公园去。
  What are you going to do now? 你现在要去做什么?
  I'm going rollerblading! 我要去滑旱冰。
  Wow! You sure like being in the sun, Ben. 哇!你还真的喜欢在太阳底下呢,本。