【大家说英语】 第384期:通过橘子皮破案(在线收听

   I get a call. A thief took things from an office. 我接到一通电话。一个小偷从一间办公室里偷了东西。

  I go to the office. A janitor is next to the door. 我来到了这间办公室。一名看门人正在门旁边。
  He's eating an orange. He puts a peel in his pocket. 他在吃一个橘子。他把果皮放到了自己的口袋里。
  "Who are you?" he asks. 他问道:“你是谁?”
  "I'm Mr. E. Someone stole things from this office," I say. 我说:“我是E。有人偷了这间办公室里的东西。”
  He nods and starts eating another orange. 他点了点头,又开始吃另外一个橘子。
  "I think it was the secretary," he says. 他说:“我想是秘书干的。”
  I meet the secretary. She is sitting at her desk and crying. 我见到了那名秘书。她正坐在她的办公桌前哭泣。
  "Why are you crying?" I ask. 我问:“为什么你在哭?”
  "I didn't take anything," she says. "But the thief took some of my valuable things." 她说:“我什么也没偷。反而是小偷拿走了一些我珍贵的东西。”
  She says she went home at lunch because she didn't feel well. 她说自己是回家吃的午饭,因为她觉得不舒服。
  That's when the thief stole things. 而恰恰是那时,小偷偷了东西。
  "Let me see your desk," I say. 我说:“让我看看你的桌子。”
  I find an orange peel under her desk. 我在她的桌子下面找到了一片橘子皮。
  "Did you eat an orange sometime today?" I ask. 我问道:“你今天有吃过橘子吗?”
  She looks surprised and says, "No! I didn't eat anything at my desk. How did that get there?" 她惊讶地看着我,然后说:“没有!我今天在办公桌前什么也没吃。怎么会有橘子皮呢?”
  I look around the office. I find another orange peel in someone's desk drawer. 我环顾了一下办公室。我在其他人的抽屉里发现了另外的橘子皮。
  I hold the peel and say, "I need to talk with the janitor again. I think he is doing a bad job." 我拿着橘子皮说道:“我需要和看门人再谈谈了。我想他没有尽责做好工作。”