【大家说英语】 第385期:夏季奥运会(1)(在线收听

   We have a very special guest today. Welcome, Rebecca Runner! 我们今天请来了一位特殊嘉宾。欢迎丽贝卡·朗纳!

  Please call me Becky. Rebecca is too formal. 请叫我贝姬。丽贝卡太正式了。
  Sure thing! So, Becky, what is happening tomorrow? 没问题!那么,贝姬,明天有什么活动?
  Tomorrow is the first day of the Olympic Games. 明天是奥运会的第一天。
  Yes, the Summer Olympics begin tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro. 没错,夏季奥运会明天会在里约日内卢开幕。
  I love the Olympics, so I'm really happy. 我喜爱奥运会,所以我真的很高兴。
  Me, too! The Olympics are exciting. 我也是!奥运会太刺激了。
  You went to the 2008 Olympic Games, right, Becky? 你参加了2008年的奥运会,是吧,贝姬?
  Yes, I won two gold medals in 2008. 是的,我在2008年赢得了两枚金牌。
  What events did you win? 你赢过什么项目?
  I won the women's 800 meters and 1,500 meters races. 我赢得过女子800米和1500米的赛跑。
  That's wonderful. 太厉害了。
  Thank you. 谢谢。
  Will you watch the races to see who wins this year? 你会关注今年获得这两项赛事的选手吗?
  Oh, yes. I can't wait to see it. 哦,是的。我都等不及去看了。
  So, Becky, how does one win an Olympic gold medal? 那么,贝姬,要怎样才能赢得一枚奥运金牌呢?
  Well, you need to train very hard. And you have to believe in yourself. 嗯,你要非常刻苦的训练。并且你还要相信自己。
  Because if you don't believe, you won't succeed! 因为如果你不相信自己,你就不会成功!
  Yes, that's right. You have to run a lot of races before you can get to the Olympics. 是的,没错。在进入奥运会之前,你必须跑很多赛事。
  And you have to win most of them. 然后你还必须赢下其中的大多数。
  Yes, and that's not easy! 是的,这可并不容易!