【大家说英语】 第390期:钓鱼之旅(2)(在线收听

   Well, it is really nice here, Ben. 本,这里真不错。

  Although I agree, the sun is very hot today. 虽然我同意你说的,但是今天的天气太热了。
  Yeah. I'm sweating, and I'm just sitting here! 是啊。我只是坐在这里就浑身是汗了!
  Drink some water. 喝一些水吧。
  I am. Don't worry. I'm drinking a lot of water. 我在喝。别担心。我喝了很多水了。
  We should both rest in the shade for a while. 我们都应该在阴凉处休息一会儿。
  Good. And we can leave our fishing rods here. 好的。我们可以把钓竿就留在这里。
  Ah, this is a great fishing trip, Alex. 啊,阿莱克斯,这次钓鱼之旅真不错。
  Yes. The weather is perfect, and the river is calm. 是啊。天气很好,而且河水也很平静。
  And I already caught a fish! 我已经钓到一只鱼了!
  We need to put that fish in some ice. It already smells! 我们需要把那只鱼放进冰里。它已经有些臭味了!
  Yes, you're right. I will buy some on my way home. 是的,你说得对。我会在回家的路上买一些。
  Good idea. But for now, let's keep it cool in the river. 好主意。但是现在我们还是先把它放到河水里清凉一下吧。
  How was your fishing trip, Ben? 本,你的钓鱼之旅怎么样?
  It was great, Susie. 很棒,苏西。
  How many fish did you catch? 你钓到多少鱼?
  I caught two fish, and Alex caught one really big one. 我钓到两只鱼,阿莱克斯钓到一只非常大的鱼。
  Great! Did you eat the fish? 好棒!你们有把鱼吃掉吗?
  Yes. We cooked them for dinner on Saturday. 是的。我们周六的晚饭就给吃了。
  Yum. You're making me hungry. I love fish. 真美味。你都给我说饿了。我很喜欢鱼。
  Then you should come next time! 那下次你应该一起来!