【大家说英语】 第400期:关于别人的故事(在线收听

   Samantha and Eric were eating lunch. 萨曼莎和埃里克在吃午饭。

  Samantha was telling Eric a funny story about their biology teacher. 萨曼莎和埃里克讲了一个关于他们生物老师的有趣故事。
  It wasn't a mean story, but she wouldn't tell the story in biology class. 这个故事并不恶毒,但是她可不会在生物课上讲。
  Eric started laughing and spat out his drink. 埃里克开始大笑,把饮料都笑喷出来了。
  "That's such a funny story, Samantha!" he said. 他说:“真是一个有趣的故事,萨曼莎!”
  "But I have an even funnier one. Do you know Amelia?" “可是我有一个更好笑的故事。你认识阿梅利亚吗?”
  Samantha did know her. 萨曼莎确实认识阿梅利亚。
  Amelia was a new foreign student. 阿梅利亚是一个新来的外国学生。
  She was studying at their school this semester. 他这学期在他们的学校上学。
  Samantha had history class with her. 萨曼莎和她一起上过历史课。
  Eric began his story about Amelia. 埃里克开始讲述关于阿梅利亚的故事。
  It wasn't a nice story. It made Amelia sound stupid.  这不是一个很好的故事,让阿梅利亚听起来很愚蠢。
  Samantha felt uncomfortable, so she tried changing the topic. 萨曼莎感到不太舒服,所以她尝试换个话题。
  "What's wrong, Samantha?" Eric asked. "Don't you want to hear the rest of the story?" 埃里克问道:“怎么了,萨曼莎?你不想听故事剩下的内容了吗?”
  "Not really. I don't like it very much," Samantha said to Eric. 萨曼莎对埃里克讲道:“不太想听。我不喜欢这个故事。”
  But Eric wasn't happy with her answer. 但埃里克对她的回答并不开心。
  "Why not? It's a true story. Besides, you just told me a story about our biology teacher," Eric said. 埃里克说道:“为什么不呢?这是一个真实的故事。况且你刚刚不是还跟我说了我们生物老师的故事嘛。”
  "That is different," she said. 萨曼莎说:“那不一样。”
  "Not really. Come on. My story's not that bad. You'll like it," he said. 埃里克说:“没什么不一样。拜托。我的故事挺好的。你会喜欢的。”
  What should Samantha do? What would you do? 萨曼莎应该怎么做?你会怎么做呢?